Tuesday, November 3, 2015

LIC of India Apprentice Development Officers (ADO's) Exam

LIC of India
Apprentice Development Officers (ADO's) Exam
Previous Paper (Held on 13-06-2010)
Reasoning Ability
1. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word TRANSFER each of which
has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet?
1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Three 5) More than three
2. D is sister of F. M is brother of F. K is brother of D and son of T. R is wife of T.
How is F related to T?
1) Son 2) Daughter 3) Son or daughter
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
3. The positions of how many digits in the number 8359614 will remain unchanged
after the digits are rearranged in descending order within the number?
1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Three 5) More than three
4. In a certain code 'STAGE' is written as '4@59' and 'EARN' is written as 987'.
How is 'NEST' written in that code?
1) 497@ 2) 794@ 3) @79
4) 79@ 5) None of these
5. In a certain code TRILOGY is written as HQSMXFN. How is CREDITS written
in that code?
4) FSDCRSH 5) None of these
Directions (6 - 10) : Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the
questions given below:
H 3 $ E K 5 @ M % I 8 2 T A F 6 W I  N V ★ P 4 Q δ R D Z
6. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in
the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not
belong to that group?
1) FAW 2) N★ 3) 4Pδ
4) MI 5) SEH

7. How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement each of which is
immediately preceded by a number and immediately followed by a letter?
1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Three 5) More than three
8. Which of the following is the fifth to the left of the sixteenth from the left end
of the above arrangement?
1) 2 2)  3) 8
4) 6 5) None of these
9. If all the symbols and numbers are dropped from the above arrangement which
of the following will be the fourteenth from the right end?
1) T 2) K 3) N
4) P 5) None of these
10. How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement each of which is
immediately preceded by a letter but not immediately followed by a letter?
1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Three 5) More than three
Directions (11 - 15): In these questions, certain symbols have been used to indicate
relationships between elements as follows:
'P  Q' means 'P is neither greater than nor equal to Q.
'P $ Q' means 'P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q.
'P @ Q' means 'P is not smaller than Q.
'P % Q means P is not greater than Q.
'P ★ Q' means 'P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q.
In each question, four statements showing relationships have been given, which
are followed by three conclusions I, II and III. Assuming that the given statements
are true, find out which conclusion(s) is /are definitely true?
11. Statement:
R % T, T  K, K $ M, M @ V
Conclusions: I. M  T II. R  K III. K $ V
1) None is true 2) Only I and II are true
3) Only II and III are true 4) Only I and III are true
5) All I, II and III are true

12. Statements:
W $ N N  R, R @ K, K % F
Conclusions: I. F ★ R II. R $ W III. N  K
1) None is true 2) Only I is true 3) Only II is true
4) Only III is true 5) Only II and III are true
13. Statements:
F @ M, M % W, W $ R, R  V
Conclusions: I. V $ M II. F $ W III. R  F
1) None is true 2) Only I is true 3) Only II is true
4) Only III is true 5) Only I and III are true
14. Statements:
B $ D, D @ M, M % K, K  R
Conclusions: I. R $ M II. K@D III. B $ M
1) Only I and II are true 2) Only I and III are true
3) Only II and III are true
4) All I, II and III are true 5) None of these
15. Statements:
N@W, W★K, KV, V$F
Conclusions: I. K★N II. K@N III. FW
1) Only I is true 2) Only II is true 3) Only III is true
4) Only either I or II is true 5) None of these
Directions (16-20) Study the following information carefully and answer the
questions given below:
P.Q.R.S.T.V.Wand Z are sitting around a circle facing the centre. S is second to
the right of V who is third to the right of T.Q. is second to the left of T and fourth to
the right of Z, W is third to the right of P who is not an immediate neighbour of T.
16. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions is
the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not
belong to that group?
1) ZRV 2) SPQ 3) VZP
4) TWR 5) QWT
17. Who is to the immediate left of W?
1) Q 2) T 3) S
4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
18. Who is second to the left of R?
1) T 2) Q 3) W
4) Data Inadequate 5) None of these
19. Who is fourth to the left of P?
1) R 2) Z 3) W
4) T 5) Data inadequate
20. In which of the following pairs is the first person sitting to the immediate right.
of the second person?
1) SQ 2) TW 3) ZV
4) PS 5) QW
Directions (21-25): Study the following information carefully and answer the
questions given below:
Following are the conditions for selecting Manager- Accounts in an organisation.
The Candidate must:
i. be at least 28 years and not more than 33 years as on 01.06.2010.
ii. be agraduate with at least 55 percent marks.
iii. be a post graduate dergee/ diploma holder in financial management with
atleast 60 percent marks.
iv. have post qualification work experience of atleast seven years in the Finance
department of an organisation.
v. have secured 40 percent marks in the personal interview.
In the case of a candidates who satisfies all the conditions EXCEPT:
A) at (iii) above but has completed CA/ICWA/CFAafter his/ her graduation, the
case is to be referred to executive Director- Finance.
B) at (v) above but has secured atleast 35 percent marks in the personal interview
and at least 65 percent marks in graduation. The case is to be referred to General
Manager - Finance.
In each question below are given details of one candidate. You have to take one
of the following courses of action based on the information provided and the conditions
and sub- conditions given above and mark the number of that course of action as

your answer. You are not to assume anything other that the information provided in
each question. All These cases are given to your as on 01.06.2010.
Mark Answer (1) if the case is to be referred to Executive Director - Finance.
Mark answer (2) if the case is to be referred to General Manager- Finance.
Mark answer (3) if the candidate is to be selected.
Mark answer (4) if the candidate is not to be selected.
Mark answer (5) if the data provided are not adequate to take a decision
21. Subodh Saha has been working in the finance department of an organisation for
the past seven years after completing his post Graduate degree in Financial
Management with 60 percent marks. He has secured 53 percent marks in the
personal interview. He was born on 8th may 1984.
22. Abhiram Gupta was born on 8th July 1980. He has been working in the Finance
department of an organisation for the past nine years after completing his post
graduation degree in Financial Management with 68 percent marks. He has
secured 37 percent marks in personal interview and 70 percent marks in graduation.
23. Suchitra Kulkarni has been working in the finance department of an organisation
for the past eight years. She was born on 12th April 1979. She has secured
65 percent marks in both graduation and post graduate diploma in financial
management. She has also secured 50 percent marks personal interview.
24. Atul Sangma was born on 24th March 1980. He has secured 45 percent marks
in the personal interview and 60 percent marks in graduation. He has been working
organisation for th past seven yeas after completing his post graduate degree
in Financial Management with 65 percent marks.
25. Neha Juneja was born on 4th September 1981. She has been working in the
Finance department of an organisation for the past eight years after completing
her ICWA after obtaining 58 percent marks in graduation. she has secured 48
percent marks in the personal Interview.
Directions (26-35): What should come in place of the question mark (>) in the following
26. 99 ÷ 9 + 0.5 = ?
1) 5.5 2) 11 3) 4.5
4) 22 5) None of these

27. 82.8 × 643.6 ÷ 5121.4 = 8?
1) 5.8 2) 14.2 3) 8.6
4) 9.2 5) None of these
28. 24% of 550 − ? % lf 124 = 76.2
1) 45 2) 30 3) 50
4) 35 5) None of these
29. 24.5 × 45.4 × 2.5 = ?
1) 2880.25 2) 2780.75 3) 2770.75
4) 2870.22 5) None of these
30. 326 14 ÷ 9 = ?
1) 64.5 2) 24.75 3) 36.25
4) 72.5 5) None of these
31. 2.5 × ? = 824.2
1) 333.86 2) 329.68 3) 337.46
4) 324.48 5) None of these
32. 416 × 18 − 2288 = ?
1) 5202 2) 5000 3) 5205
4) 5002 5) None of these
33. 54% of 675 = ?
1) 307.5 2) 346.5 3) 370.5
4) 364.5 5) None of these
34. 888.88 + 684.48 + 726.66 = ?
1) 2230.02 2) 2030.02 3) 2003.02
4) 2302.02 5) None of these
35. 3960 ÷ (48 × 2.5) = ?
1) 206.25 2) 42 3) 33
4) 260.25 5) None of these
36. A Car covers a distance of 720 Kms. in 12 hours. What is the average speed of
the Car?
1) 60 kmph 2) 40 kmph 3) 55 kmph
4) 75 kmph 5) None of these
37. The owner of a furniture shop charges his customer 18% more than the coast
price. If a customer paid Rs. 10,207 for a dining table, then what was the original
price of the dining table?
1) Rs. 9,240 2) Rs. 8,650 3) Rs. 9,840
4) Rs. 7,670 5) None of these
38. The average age of a man and his son is 30 years. The ratio of their ages is 4 :
1 respectively. What is the son's age?
1) 12 years 2) 14 years 3) 16 years
4) 24 years 5) None of these
39. What is the least number to be added to 2,400 to make it a perfect square?
1) 100 2) 191 3) 201
4) 96 5) None of these
40. What would be the compound interest obtain on a amount of Rs. 2,840 at the
rate of 15 p.c.p.a after 2 years?
1) Rs. 905.5 2) Rs. 951.5 3) Rs. 928.9
4) Rs. 915.9 5) None of these
41. The product of two consecutive odd numbers is 2303. What is the greater number?
1) 45 2) 47 3) 51
4) 49 5) None of these
42. The difference between 31% of a number and 1.1% of the same number is 360.
What is 23% of that number?
1) 426 2) 414 3) 306
4) 432 5) None of these
43. Acanteen requires 22 dozen apples for seven days. How many dozen apples will
it require for 336 days?
1) 1104 2) 1128 3) 1056
4) 1047 5) None of these
44. In an examination it is required to get 750 of the aggregate marks to pass. A student
gets 700 Marks and is declared failed by 4% makrs. What are the maximum
aggregate marks a student can get?
1) 1050 2) 1140 3) 1250
4) Can not be determined 5) None of these

45. The cost of 2 watches and 2 lockets is Rs. 10,800. What is the cost of 6 watches
and 3 lockets?
1) Rs. 18,400 2) Rs. 15,850 3) Rs. 12,600
4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
Directions (48-50): Study the following table carefully and answer the questions
that follow:
46. In which organisation did the number of people being recruited increase each
1) A 2) B 3) C
4) D 5) None of these
47. What is the respective ratio between the total number of people recruited by
organisation A in the years 2008 and 2009 together to those recruited by organisation
F in the years 2004 and 2005 together?
1) 7:6 2) 5:4 3) 6:7
4) 4:5 5) None of these
48. Number of people recruited by organisation E in the year 2007 is approximately
what percent of the total number of people recruited by that organisation over
all the years together?
1) 8 2) 15 3) 3
4) 25 5) 28

Organisation → A B C D E F
year ↓
2004 1.8 2.1 1.5 1.9 2.1 2.6
2005 2.4 1.3 1.8 1.6 2.6 2.4
2006 1.3 2.4 1.9 2.3 2.8 2.7
2007 2.2 2.5 2.2 2.0 2.2 2.6
2008 2.1 1.6 2.4 1.8 2.4 1.4
2009 1.9 1.7 2.6 1.9 2.5 1.5
Number of people (in hundreds)
recruited by six. different organisations over the years.
49. What is the total number of people recruited from all the organisations together
in the year 2005?
1) 1990 2) 1230 3) 1240
4) 1200 5) None of these
50. What is the percent increase in the number of people recruited by organisation
D in the year 2006 from the previous year?
1) 43.75 2) 38.25 3) 45.75
4) 46.25 5) None of these
General Knowledge & Current Affairs
51. Which of the following types of companies/ organisations issue ULIP? (The
ULIPS were recently in news)
1) Insurance companies 2) Banks 3) NABARD
4) RBI 5) All of these
52. Insurance business in India is regulated by which of the following authorities?
1) NFCG 2) IRDA 3) CII
4) FICCI 5) All of these
53. Which amongst the following is NOT an insurance company functioning in
1) ICICI Prudential 2) ING Vysya 3) ICICI Lombard
4) New India Assurance Company Limited
5) National Securities Depository Ltd.
54. Which of the following is the only public sector company in the filed of life
1) General Insurance Company 2) New India Assurance Company
3) Oriental Insurance Company 4) Sahara Life Insurance
5) Life Insurance Corporation of India
55. As per the news in various financial newspapers, Larson & Toubro (L&T) is
planning to enter the insurance business in India. Otherwise, what is the major
business of L&T, which it is known for?
1) News paper Publications 2) Media Entertainment
3) Car and Automobile Production 4) Textiles
5) Heavy Engineering & Construction

56. "A contract that pledges payment of an agreed upon amount to the person (or
his/her nominee) on the happening of an event covered against" is technically
known as
1) Death coverage 2) Life Insurance 3) Savings for future
4) Provident Fund 5) None of these
57. As per the news published in various newspapers, Life Insurance policies may
become paperless in the near future. This means
1) LIC will not insure any person here after as it has already reached its peak
2) LIC will not ask for any documents from a person who wishes to purchase an
Insurance policy
3) All policy related documents and policy certificates will henceforth be available
in electronic form and not in their present physical form and not in their
present physical form
4) LIC henceforth will not entertain any claim or complaint in written form or
on paper. Things should be in electronic condition.
5) None of these
58. In Insurance policies we always find a date which is "Date of Maturity". What
does it mean?
1) This is the date on which the policy was sold to the customer/person insured.
2) This is the date on which the policy holder will have to submit his/her claim
seeking the amount of the policy. Otherwise the company will not make any
payment to him/her.
3) This is the date on which the contract between the person and insurance company
will come to an end.
4) The date on which the insurance company makes the final payment to the
insured person which is normally fifteen days after the "payment due date".
5) None of these
59. As we know, the Government is paying much attention to "Micro Finance" these
days. Which of the following is one of the examples of Micro Finance?
1) Insurance for life 2) Investment in Mutual Funds
3) Self Help Groups 4) Letter of Credit 5) All of these
60. Which of the following insurance plan is not launched by LIC?
1) Jeevan Abhaya 2) Life Mahalife Gold Plan
3) Child Career Plan 4) Child Future Plan 5) Jeevan Saral

61. Which of the following is/are the highlights of the Union Budget for 2010-11?
A) Rs. 3000 crores allotted for agriculture sector
B) Fertiliser subsidy to be reduced
C) Hope to implement Direct Tax code from April 2011
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C
4) A, B and C 5) None of these
62. Who amongst the following is the author of the book "The White Tiger"?
1) Arundhati Roy 2) V.S.Naipaul 3) Kiran Desai
4) Vikram Seth 5) Aravind Adiga
63. Who amongst the following is the Man Booker Prize winner of 2009 for his/her
lifetime achievement?
1) Alice Munro 2) Chetan Bhagat 3) Shobha De
4) Graham Swift 5) None of these
64. Which of the following is the best description of what insurance is? (Many
times companies also communicate the same to the person interested in getting
an insurance policy)
1) Insurance = Collective bearing of risk
2) Insurance = Paying for other's mistake
3) Insurance = Taking from 'A' to pay 'B'
4) Insurance = Paying for something which will never happen
5) All of these
65. Who amongst the following won OSCAR Award for his/her contribution in a
film in 2009 and also two Gramme Awards in 2010 for his/her achievements in
the field?
1) Aamir Khan 2) Rituparno Ghosh 3) Deepa Mehta
4) Mani Ratnam 5) A.R. Rahman
66. As per the announcements made in the Union Budget for 2010-11, public sector
banks will get around Rs. 16,500 crores from the Government of India. For
what purpose the banks getting this amount?
1) To strengthen their capital base
2) To provide retirement benefits to their employees
3) To give the public sector banks an image make over
4) All 1, 2 and 3 given above 5) None of these

67. Who amongst the following Indian players was one of the members of the team
which won the Australian Open Lawn Tennis Tournament 2010?
1) Leander Paes 2) Mahesh Bhupati 3) Sania Mirza
4) Sunitha Rao 5) None of these
68. Which of the following organisations/ agencies frame the Monetary and Credit
Policy which is followed by all banks in India?
1) Indian Bank's Association
2) Reserve Bank of india
3) Securities & Exchange Board of India
4) Government of India 5) None of these
69. Which of the following terms is used in the game of Cricket?
1) Penalty storke 2) Knock out 3) Bully
4) Checkmate 5) Silly point
70. Which of the following countries was the host of the SAARC Summit 2010?
1) Bangladesh 2) Nepal 3) India and Bhutan
4) Bhutan 5) None of these
71. Who amongst the following is not, a winner of the "Padmashri Award" given
away in 2010?
1) Ulhas Kashalkar 2) Saif Ali Khan 3) Rekha
4) Lalit Modi 5) Raghunath Panigrahi
72. Which of the following terms is Not used in the world of finance, banking and
1) Devaluation 2) Amnesty 3) Hard currency
4) Preference share 5) Sinking fund
73. Who amongst the following NOT amongst the winners of the 56th National
Film Awards?
1) Shreya Ghosal 2) Priyanka Chopra 3) Hariharan
4) Shilpa Shetty 5) Arjun Rampal
74. The Indira Gandhi Peace Prize for 2009 was given to the
1) President of Nepal 2) Prime Minister of Nepal
3) President of Afghanistan
4) Prime Minister of Bangladesh 5) None of these

75. Which of the following awards is given for excellence in the field of Sports?
1) Gnanpith Award 2) Bharat Ratna Award 3) Arjuna Aaward
4) Kalidas Samman 5) None of these
Directions (76-80): In each question a sentence with two words/ group of words
printed in bold type are given. One of them are both of them may have a certain error,
you have to find out the correct word/ group of words from among the four choices
given below each sentence to replace the incorrect words/ group of words and make
the sentence grammatically correct and meaningful. If the sentence is correct as it is
mark (5) i.e.,No correction required' as your answer.
76. RBI has asked banks that disclose the fees and commissions they have camed
through the sell of life insurance policies.
1) disclosure - selling 2) disclosed - sell 3) to disclose - sale
4) can disclose - sales 5) No correction required
77. Our Development officer is very encourage and helps me do what ever is
necessity to achieve my goals.
1) encouraging - necessary 2) encouraged - necessarily
3) encourages - necessary 4) encouraging - necessities
5) No correction required
78. According to experts, the Indian banking system is better that of every developed
1) Very good - any 2) best - much 3) more better - all
4) better than - many 5) No correction required
79. People should be buying health insurance at a young age and maintains it for
a lifetime.
1) be bought - maintained
2) buy - maintain
3) have bought - be maintaining
4) not buy - will maintain
5) No correction required

80. Life insurance companies have appointed around 13 lakh agents during 2008 -
09 despite the recession
1) nearly - because
2) about - inspire
3) approximate - on account
4) alomost - In
5) No correction required
Direction (81-90): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions
given below it. Certain word/ phrases are printed in bold to help you locate them
while answering some of the questions.
Most of the world's healthcare is financed directly by governments, but private
insurance, which now makes up nearly a fifth of the total. Looks set for a state sponsored
boom in the hope of solving problems in national systems of helthcare which
include inadequate access to care and soaring costs.
In most countries state financed healthcare is not available to all. So governments
want private insurance to be expanded to cover everyone. The most prominent
effort is underway in America, where about 47 million lack health insurance of any
kind. This effort is similar to reforms undertaken over the past decade in the
Netherlands and Switzerland. To ensure equitable access, both countries forbid private
insurers from discriminating against, applicants because they are in poor health or at
high risk of falling ill. This practice is known as "lemon dropping'' A lightly regulated
expansion of private insurance in effect turning health insurance into a utility - can
thus expand coverage. This is also likely be true in developing countries. Whose public
health care systems are often hopelessly over stretched and under funded, although
because poor countries cannot afford the subsides and regulatory mechanism of the
rich world, coverage is likely be confined to the better off.
The second reason why government have turned to private insurance is cost
control. The hope was that by ruthlessly tackling costs and promoting efficiency, market-
minded insurers would help rein in runaway health inflation where, governments
could not. Whatever the role played in a health system, private health-insurance has
added to total health expences. It is no coincidence, that the countries with the biggest
private health-insurance sectors-America, France, Germany and Switzerland - also
have some of the highest healthcare costs per person.
There are several explanations for this. Because a third party pays the bill, the

true cost of health services is rarely made clear to them. Nor is the true price of insurance,
especially if coverage is provided through an employer. This encourages overinsurance
and over-consumption of healthcare. Another incentive problem also arises
from lack of transparent pricing. Studies have shown that the fees for similar procedures
vary widely among hospitals in the same area. Because hospitals and doctors
both decide on the services patients must have and dictate the price of those services,
they often enjoy a powerful information advantage over insurers. Thus doctors and
hospitals have an informational advantage and an incentive to over supply their services.
81. Why do governments look to private insurers to reduce inflation in the healthcare
A) Private health insurance companies are professionally managed.
B) It is in the interest of the private insurers to do so.
C) Their pricing system does not reveal the hidden costs in healthcare.
1) Only B 2) Only C 3) Only B and C
4) All A, B & C 5) None of these.
82. Which of the following is a problem facing healthcare system in developing
1) Quality healthcare is available only in private hospitals.
2) Constant government interference in the system.
3) Healthcare facilities are insufficient and often made available only to the rich.
4) Subsidising healthcare has resulted in many hospitals becoming loss making.
5) Profitable hospitals are forced to bail out loss making ones.
83. Which of the following is TRUE about private health insurance?
A) According to prevailing laws, private health insurers can cater to only 20
percent of the population.
B) In western countries private health insurance is unregulated by the government.
C) Most governments are now encouraging the participation of private companies
in providing healthcare.
1) Only A and C 2) Only C 3) Only A and B
4) All A, B and C 5) None of these

84. What does the phrase 'over consumption of healthcare' convey in the context
of the passage?
1) People opt for unnecessary medical treatments because they do not have to
pay for it.
2) Healthcare consumes too much of a nations budget in developed countries.
3) Government hospitals often recommend unnecessary procedures for patients.
4) In developing countries, the healthcare system cannot cope with the demands
of their population
5) None of these
85. Why did the government of Switzerland prohibit the practice of lemon
1) To reduce the profits of private health insurers.
2) To facilitate equitable access to all its citizens.
3) To prevent discrimination against the poor.
4) To ensure that America's healthcare system problems do not occur in theirs.
5) To cut the cost of healthcare per person.
86. What is the author's main objective in writing the passage?
1) Convincing governments to restrict private sector participation in health care
2) Criticising developing countries for the efforts to reform their health care
3) Pointing out the advantage of adopting European healthcare reforms in
developing countries.
4) Elaborating the pros and cons of private sector participation in health
5) Stating that state interference in health insurance is undesirable
87. What impact has the lack of transparency in pricing had on healthcare costs?
1) Patients have become key decision makers in the treatment process.
2) Medical personnel do not get uniform incentives.
3) Insurance and doctors conspire to charge exorbitant fees for treatment.
4) Well off patients often end up with huge subsidies from hospitals.
5) Doctors and hospitals have an informational advantage and an incentive to
over-supply their services.

Directions (88-89): Which of the following is most similar in meaning to the word
given in bold as used in the passage?
1) Captured 2) Locked 3) Detained
4) Limited 5) Imprisoned
1) Conceal 2) Hide 3) Suppress
4) Bury 5) Include
90. Which of the following is most opposite in meaning to the word CONTROL
given in bold as used in the passage?
1) Permit 2) Obey 3) Supremacy
4) Powerless 5) Increase
Directions (91-95): Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and
(F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions
given below them.
A) After all India's expected equipment requirement in the next five years will
be huge, next only to China's.
B) Indian cellular equipment manufacturers however were not prepared for this
surge in demand.
C) In the 1990s cellular wireless telecom services in India were liberalised.
D) To make Indian telecom manufacturers more self-sufficient concrete steps
need to be taken to increase India's R&D efforts in telecom.
E) This resulted in a decrease in tarrifs and the volume of cell phone subscribers
grew phenomenenally.
F) Their lack of preparedness gave foreign players the opportunity to step in.
91. Which of the following will be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?
1) B 2) C 3) D
4) E 5) F
92. Which of the following will be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement?
1) A 2) B 3) C
4) D 5) E

93. Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
1) A 2) B 3) C
4) D 5) E
94. Which of the following will be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
1) A 2) B 3) C
4) D 5) F
95. Which of the following will be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
1) B 2) C 3) D
4) E 5) F
Directions (96-100): Pick out the most effective word/group of words from those
given to fill in the blanks to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
96. RBI is .... about the fact that many banks are .... in mutual funds.
1) concerned, investing 2) worried, shared
3) sad, credited 4) interested, stocking 5) anxious, lending
97. The high ....... of land in cities is one of the greatest .... in providing affordable
1) worth, boost 2) quality, decisions 3) value, prevention
4) cost, hindrances 5) price, trouble
98. Today over ..... a milion farmer households in India do not have ..... to banks.
1) less, need 2) more, opportunity 3) half, access
4) extent, contribution 5) partly, approach
99. Nowadays many general insurance products are ....... through bank .....
1) selling, networking 2) distributed, branches 3) disburse, personnel
4) available, agent 5) loaned, channel
100. To empower those living in rural areas NGOs are .... self help groups and .....
youth in vocational subjects.
1) realising, working 2) developing, taught
3) emerging, instructing 4) creating, learning
5) forming training

1-4; 2-3; 3-1; 4-2; 5-1; 6-5; 7-4; 8-3; 9-2; 10-5; 11-3; 12-1; 13-1; 14-2; 15-4;
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29-2; 30-3; 31-2; 32-5; 33-4; 34-5; 35-3; 36-1; 37-2; 38-1; 39-5; 40-4; 41-4;
42-2; 43-3; 44-3; 45-5; 46-3; 47-4; 48-2; 49-5; 50-1; 51-1; 52-2; 53-5; 54-5;
55-5; 56-2; 57-3; 58-3; 59-3; 60-2; 61-3; 62-5; 63-1; 64-1; 65-5; 66-1; 67-1;
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94-2; 95-4; 96-1; 97-4; 98-3; 99-2; 100-5;

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