Monday, November 2, 2015

Disaster Management

Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
Section Subject Page No.
I Introduction
II Institutional and Policy Framework
III Early Warning System
IV Disaster Prevention & Mitigation
V Preparedness
VI Conclusion
(i) National Disaster Management
(ii) Tenth Plan – Chapter on Disaster
(iii) Guidelines to State Governments
1.1 India has been traditionally vulnerable to natural disasters on account of
its unique geo-climatic conditions. Floods, droughts, cyclones, earthquakes and
landslides have been a recurrent phenomena. About 60% of the landmass is
prone to earthquakes of various intensities; over 40 million hectares is prone to
floods; about 8% of the total area is prone to cyclones and 68% of the area is
susceptible to drought. In the decade 1990-2000, an average of about 4344
people lost their lives and about 30 million people were affected by disasters
every year. The loss in terms of private, community and public assets has been
1.2 At the global level, there has been considerable concern over natural
disasters. Even as substantial scientific and material progress is made, the loss of
lives and property due to disasters has not decreased. In fact, the human toll and
economic losses have mounted. It was in this background that the United
Nations General Assembly, in 1989, declared the decade 1990-2000 as the
International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction with the objective to reduce
loss of lives and property and restrict socio-economic damage through concerted
international action, specially in developing countries.
1.3 The super cyclone in Orissa in October, 1999 and the Bhuj earthquake in
Gujarat in January, 2001 underscored the need to adopt a multi dimensional
endeavour involving diverse scientific, engineering, financial and social
processes; the need to adopt multi disciplinary and multi sectoral approach and
incorporation of risk reduction in the developmental plans and strategies.
1.4. Over the past couple of years, the Government of India have brought about
a paradigm shift in the approach to disaster management. The new approach
proceeds from the conviction that development cannot be sustainable unless
disaster mitigation is built into the development process. Another corner stone of
the approach is that mitigation has to be multi-disciplinary spanning across all
sectors of development. The new policy also emanates from the belief that
investments in mitigation are much more cost effective than expenditure on relief
and rehabilitation.
1.5 Disaster management occupies an important place in this country’s policy
framework as it is the poor and the under-privileged who are worst affected on
account of calamities/disasters.
1.6 The steps being taken by the Government emanate from the approach
outlined above. The approach has been translated into a National Disaster
Framework [a roadmap] covering institutional mechanisms, disaster prevention
strategy, early warning system, disaster mitigation, preparedness and response and
human resource development. The expected inputs, areas of intervention and
agencies to be involved at the National, State and district levels have been
identified and listed in the roadmap. This roadmap has been shared with all the
State Governments and Union Territory Administrations. Ministries and
Departments of Government of India, and the State Governments/UT
Administrations have been advised to develop their respective roadmaps taking the
national roadmap as a broad guideline. There is, therefore, now a common
strategy underpinning the action being taken by all the participating
organisations/stakeholders. A copy of the roadmap is at Annexure – I.
Institutional and Policy Framework
2.1 The institutional and policy mechanisms for carrying out response, relief
and rehabilitation have been well-established since Independence. These
mechanisms have proved to be robust and effective insofar as response, relief and
rehabilitation are concerned.
2.2 At the national level, the Ministry of Home Affairs is the nodal Ministry for
all matters concerning disaster management. The Central Relief Commissioner
(CRC) in the Ministry of Home Affairs is the nodal officer to coordinate relief
operations for natural disasters. The CRC receives information relating to
forecasting/warning of a natural calamity from India Meteorological Department
(IMD) or from Central Water Commission of Ministry of Water Resources on a
continuing basis. The Ministries/Departments/Organizations concerned with the
primary and secondary functions relating to the management of disasters include:
India Meteorological Department, Central Water Commission, Ministry of Home
Affairs, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Rural
Development, Ministry of Urban Development, Department of Communications,
Ministry of Health, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Petroleum,
Department of Agriculture & Cooperation. Ministry of Power, Department of
Civil Supplies, Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting,
Planning Commission, Cabinet Secretariat, Department of Surface Transport,
Ministry of Social Justice, Department of Women and Child Development,
Ministry of Environment and Forest, Department of Food. Each
Ministry/Department/Organization nominate their nodal officer to the Crisis
Management Group chaired by Central Relief Commissioner. The nodal officer is
responsible for preparing sectoral Action Plan/Emergency Support Function Plan
for managing disasters.
2.3 National Crisis Management Committee (NCMC): Cabinet Secretary,
who is the highest executive officer, heads the NCMC. Secretaries of all the
concerned Ministries /Departments as well as organizations are the members of
the Committee The NCMC gives direction to the Crisis Management Group as
deemed necessary. The Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs is responsible for
ensuring that all developments are brought to the notice of the NCMC promptly.
The NCMC can give directions to any Ministry/Department/Organization for
specific action needed for meeting the crisis situation.
2.4 Crisis Management Group: The Central Relief Commissioner in the
Ministry of Home Affairs is the Chairman of the CMG, consisting of senior
officers (called nodal officers) from various concerned Ministries. The CMG’s
functions are to review every year contingency plans formulated by various
Ministries/Departments/Organizations in their respective sectors, measures
required for dealing with a natural disasters, coordinate the activities of the Central
Ministries and the State Governments in relation to disaster preparedness and
relief and to obtain information from the nodal officers on measures relating to
above. The CMG, in the event of a natural disaster, meets frequently to review the
relief operations and extend all possible assistance required by the affected States
to overcome the situation effectively. The Resident Commissioner of the affected
State is also associated with such meetings.
2.5 Control Room (Emergency Operation Room): An Emergency
Operations Center (Control Room) exists in the nodal Ministry of Home Affairs,
which functions round the clock, to assist the Central Relief Commissioner in the
discharge of his duties. The activities of the Control Room include collection and
transmission of information concerning natural calamity and relief, keeping close
contact with governments of the affected States, interaction with other Central
Ministries/Departments/Organizations in connection with relief, maintaining
records containing all relevant information relating to action points and contact
points in Central Ministries etc., keeping up-to-date details of all concerned
officers at the Central and State levels.
2.6 Contingency Action Plan: A National Contingency Action Plan (CAP)
for dealing with contingencies arising in the wake of natural disasters has been
formulated by the Government of India and it had been periodically updated. It
facilitates the launching of relief operations without delay. The CAP identifies
the initiatives required to be taken by various Central Ministries/Departments in
the wake of natural calamities, sets down the procedure and determines the focal
points in the administrative machinery.
2.7 State Relief Manuals: Each State Government has relief manuals/codes
which identify that role of each officer in the State for managing the natural
disasters. These are reviewed and updated periodically based on the experience of
managing the disasters and the need of the State.
2.8 Funding mechanisms: The policy and the funding mechanism for
provision of relief assistance to those affected by natural calamities is clearly laid
down. These are reviewed by the Finance Commission appointed by the
Government of India every five years. The Finance Commission makes
recommendation regarding the division of tax and non-tax revenues between the
Central and the State Governments and also regarding policy for provision of
relief assistance and their share of expenditure thereon. A Calamity Relief Fund
(CRF) has been set up in each State as per the recommendations of the Eleventh
Finance Commission. The size of the Calamity Relief Fund has been fixed by the
Finance Commission after taking into account the expenditure on relief and
rehabilitation over the past 10 years. The Government of India contributes 75% of
the corpus of the Calamity Relief Fund in each State. 25% is contributed to by the
State. Relief assistance to those affected by natural calamities is granted from the
CRF. Overall norms for relief assistance are laid down by a national committee
with representatives of States as members. Different States can have Statespecific
norms to be recommended by State level committee under the Chief
Secretary. Where the calamity is of such proportion that the funds available in the
CRF will not be sufficient for provision of relief, the State seeks assistance from
the National Calamity Contingency Fund (NCCF) - a fund created at the
Central Government level. When such requests are received, the requirements are
assessed by a team from the Central Governemnt and thereafter the assessed
requirements are cleared by a High Level Committee chaired by the Deputy Prime
Minister. In brief, the institutional arrangements for response and relief are wellestablished
and have proved to be robust and effective.
2.9 In the federal set up of India, the basic responsibility for undertaking
rescue, relief and rehabilitation measures in the event of a disaster is that of the
State Governemnt concerned. At the State level, response, relief and rehabilitation
are handled by Departments of Relief & Rehabilitation. The State Crisis
Management Committee set up under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary who is
the highest executive functionary in the State. All the concerned Departments and
organisations of the State and Central Government Departments located in the
State are represented in this Committee. This Committee reviews the action taken
for response and relief and gives guidelines/directions as necessary. A control
room is established under the Relief Commissioner. The control room is in
constant touch with the climate monitoring/forecasting agencies and monitors the
action being taken by various agencies in performing their responsibilities. The
district level is the key level for disaster management and relief activities. The
Collector/Dy. Commissioner is the chief administrator in the district. He is the
focal point in the preparation of district plans and in directing, supervising and
monitoring calamities for relief. A District Level Coordination and Relief
Committee is constituted and is headed by the Collector as Chairman with
participation of all other related government and non governmental agencies and
departments in addition to the elected representatives. The Collector is required to
maintain close liaison with the district and the State Governments as well as the
nearest units of Armed Forces/Central police organisations and other relevant
Central Government organisations like Ministries of Communications, Water
Resources, Drinking Water, Surface Transport, who could supplement the efforts
of the district administration in the rescue and relief operations. The efforts of the
Government and non-governmental organisations for response and relief and
coordinated by the Collector/Dy. Commissioner. The District
Magistrate/Collector and Coordination Committee under him reviews
preparedness measures prior to a impending hazard and coordinate response when
the hazard strikes. As all the Departments of the State Government and district
level report to the Collector, there is an effective coordination mechanism ensuring
holistic response.
2.10 New institutional mechanisms: As has been made clear above, the
existing mechanisms had based on post-disaster relief and rehabilitation and they
have proved to be robust and effective mechanisms in addressing these
requirements. The changed policy/approach, however, mandates a priority to full
disaster aspects of mitigation, prevention and preparedness and new institutional
and policy mechanisms are being put in place to address the policy change.
2.11 It is proposed to constitute a National Emergency Management Authority at
the National level. The High Powered Committee on Disaster Management which
was set up in August, 1999 and submitted its Report in October, 2001, had inter
alia recommended that a separate Department of Disaster Management be set up in
the Government of India. It was, however, felt that conventional
Ministries/Departments have the drawback of not being flexible enough specially
in terms of the sanction procedures. The organisation at the Apex level will have
to be multi-disciplinary with experts covering a large number of branches. The
National Emergency Management Authority has, therefore, been proposed as a
combined Secretariat/Directorate structure – a structure which will be an integral
part of the Government and, therefore, will work with the full authority of the
Government while, at the same time, retaining the flexibility of a field
organisation. The National Emergency Management Authority will be headed by
an officer of the rank of Secretary/Special Secretary to the Government in the
Ministry of Home Affairs with Special Secretaries/Additional Secretaries from the
Ministries/Departments of Health, Water Resources, Environment & Forests,
Agriculture, Railways, Atomic Energy, Defence, Chemicals, Science &
Technology, Telecommunications, Urban Employment and Poverty Alleviation,
Rural Development and India Meteorological Department as Members of the
Authority. The Authority would meet as often as required and review the status of
warning systems, mitigation measures and disaster preparedness. When a disaster
strikes, the Authority will coordinate disaster management activities. The
Authority will be responsible for:-
i) Coordinating/mandating Government’s policies for disaster
ii) Ensuring adequate preparedness at all levels in order to meet disasters.
iii) Coordinating response to a disaster when it strikes.
iv) Coordination of post disaster relief and rehabilitation.
The National Emergency Management Authority will have a core permanent
secretariat with three divisions – one for Disaster Prevention, Mitigation &
Rehabilitation, the other for Preparedness and the third for Human Resource
2.12 At the State level, as indicated in para disaster management was being
handled by the Departments of Relief & Rehabilitation. As the name suggests, the
focus was almost entirely on post-calamity relief. The Government of India is
working with the State Governments to convert the Departments of Relief &
Rehabilitation into Departments of Disaster Management with an enhanced area of
responsibility to include mitigation and preparedness apart from their present
responsibilities of relief and rehabilitation. The changeover has already happened
in eight State Governments/Union Territory Administrations. The change is under
process in other States.
2.13 The States have also been asked to set up Disaster Management Authorities
under the Chief Minister with Ministers of relevant Departments [Water
Resources, Agriculture, Drinking Water Supply, Environment & Forests, Urban
Development, Home, Rural Development etc.] as members. The objective of
setting up an Authority is to ensure that mitigation and preparedness is seen as the
joint responsibility of all the Departments concerned and disaster management
concerns are mainstreamed into their programmes. This holistic and multidisciplinary
approach is the key to effective mitigation.
2.14. At the district level, the District Magistrate who is the chief coordinator
will be the focal point for coordinating all activities relating to prevention,
mitigation and preparedness apart from his existing responsibilities pertaining to
response and relief. The District Coordination and Relief Committee is being reconstituted/
re-designated into Disaster Management Committees with officers
from relevant departments being added as members. Because of its enhanced
mandate of mitigation and prevention, the district heads and departments engaged
in development will now be added to the Committee so that mitigation and
prevention is mainstreamed into the district plan. The existing system of drawing
up preparedness and response plans will continue. There will, however, also be a
long term mitigation plan. District Disaster Management Committees have
already been constituted in several districts and are in the process of being
constituted in the remaining multi-hazard prone districts.
2.15 Similarly, we are in the process of creating Block/Taluq Disaster
Management Committees in these 169 multi-hazard prone districts in 17 States.
At the village level, in 169 multi-hazard prone districts, we are constituting
Disaster Management Committees and Disaster Management Teams. Each village
will have a Disaster Management Plan. The process of drafting the plan has
already begun. The Disaster Management Committee which draws up the plans
consists of elected representatives at the village level, local authorities,
Government functionaries including doctors/paramedics of primary health centres
located in the village, primary school teachers etc. The plan encompasses
prevention, mitigation and preparedness measures. The Disaster Management
Teams at the village level will consist of members of voluntary organisations like
Nehru Yuvak Kendra and other non-governmental organisations as well as able
bodied volunteers from the village. The teams are provided basic training in
evacuation, search and rescue etc. The Disaster Management Committee will
review the disaster management plan at least once in a year. It would also
generate awareness among the people in the village about dos’ and don’ts for
specific hazards depending on the vulnerability of the village. A large number of
village level Disaster Management Committees and Disaster Management Teams
have already been constituted.
2.16 The States have been advised to enact Disaster Management Acts. These
Acts provide for adequate powers for authorities coordinating mitigation,
preparedness and response as well as for mitigation/prevention measures required
to be undertaken. Two States [Gujarat & Madhya Pradesh] have already enacted
such a law. Other States are in the process. The State Governments have also
been advised to convert their Relief Codes into Disaster Management Codes by
including aspects of prevention, mitigation and preparedness.
2.17 In order to further institutionalize the new approach, the Government of
India have decided to enunciate a National Policy on Disaster Management. A
draft policy has accordingly been formulated and is expected to be put in place
shortly. The policy shall inform all spheres of Central Government activity and
shall take precedence over all existing sectoral policies. The broad objectives of
the policy are to minimize the loss of lives and social, private and community
assets because of natural or manmade disasters and contribute to sustainable
development and better standards of living for all, more specifically for the poor
and vulnerable sections by ensuring that the development gains are not lost
through natural calamities/disasters.
2.18 The policy notes that State Governments are primarily responsible for
disaster management including prevention and mitigation, while the Government
of India provides assistance where necessary as per the norms laid down from time
to time and proposes that this overall framework may continue. However, since
response to a disaster requires coordination of resources available across all the
Departments of the Government, the policy mandates that the Central Government
will, in conjunction with the State Governments, seek to ensure that such a
coordination mechanism is laid down through an appropriate chain of command so
that mobilization of resources is facilitated.
2.19 The broad features of the draft national policy on disaster management are
enunciated below:-
i) A holistic and pro-active approach for prevention, mitigation and
preparedness will be adopted for disaster management.
ii) Each Ministry/Department of the Central/State Government will set
apart an appropriate quantum of funds under the Plan for specific
schemes/projects addressing vulnerability reduction and preparedness.
iii) Where there is a shelf of projects, projects addressing mitigation will be
given priority. Mitigation measures shall be built into the on-going
iv) Each project in a hazard prone area will have mitigation as an essential
term of reference. The project report will include a statement as to how
the project addresses vulnerability reduction.
v) Community involvement and awareness generation, particularly that of
the vulnerable segments of population and women has been emphasized
as necessary for sustainable disaster risk reduction. This is a critical
component of the policy since communities are the first responders to
disasters and, therefore, unless they are empowered and made capable
of managing disasters, any amount of external support cannot lead to
optimal results.
vi) There will be close interaction with the corporate sector, nongovernmental
organisations and the media in the national efforts for
disaster prevention/vulnerability reduction.
vii) Institutional structures/appropriate chain of command will be built up
and appropriate training imparted to disaster managers at various levels
to ensure coordinated and quick response at all levels; and development
of inter-State arrangements for sharing of resources during emergencies.
viii) A culture of planning and preparedness is to be inculcated at all levels
for capacity building measures.
ix) Standard operating procedures and disaster management plans at state
and district levels as well as by relevant central government departments
for handling specific disasters will be laid down.
x) Construction designs must correspond to the requirements as laid down
in relevant Indian Standards.
xi) All lifeline buildings in seismic zones III, IV & V – hospitals, railway
stations, airports/airport control towers, fire station buildings, bus stands
major administrative centres will need to be evaluated and, if necessary,
xii) The existing relief codes in the States will be revised to develop them
into disaster management codes/manuals for institutionalizing the
planning process with particular attention to mitigation and
2.19 With the above mentioned institutional mechanism and policy framework
in position and the actions taken to implement the policy guidelines, it is expected
that the task of moving towards vulnerability reduction will be greatly facilitated.
Early Warning System
Cyclone Forecasting
3.1 Tropical Cyclones are intense low pressure systems which develop over
warm sea. They are capable of causing immense damage due to strong winds,
heavy rains and storm surges. The frequency of the TC in the Bay of Bengal is
4 to 5 times more than in the Arabian Sea. About 35% of initial disturbances in
the north Indian ocean reach TC stage of which 45% become severe.
3.2 Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) is mandated to monitor and give
warnings regarding Tropical Cyclone (TC). Monitoring process has been
revolutionized by the advent of remote sensing techniques. A TC intensity
analysis and forecast scheme has been worked out using satellite image
interpretation techniques which facilitate forecasting of storm surges.
3.3 Data resources are crucial to early forecasting of cyclones. Satellite based
observations are being extensively utilized. Satellite integrated automated
weather stations have been installed on islands, oilrigs and exposed coastal
sites. Buoys for supplementing the surface data network in the tropical ocean
have been deployed. The Government have also started a National Data Buoy
Programme. A set of 12 moored buoys have been deployed in the northern
Indian Ocean to provide meteorological and oceanographic data.
3.4 Dynamic forecasting of TCs requires knowledge of the vertical structure of
both the Cyclone and the surrounding environment. The rawin sonde remains the
principal equipment for sounding. The Doppler Radar wind profiler provides
hourly soundings. A mesosphere, stratosphere, troposphere (MST) radar has also
been installed at Thirupatti. Another profiler is being developed and will be
deployed at IMD Pune. Another important source of upper level data is the
aircraft reports. Increasing number of commercial jet aircraft are equipped with
the Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay system. This data is being made
available is also being used by the IMD for analysis and predictions.
3.5 Radars have been used to observe TCs since long. Surveillance of the
spiral rain bands and the eye of the TC is an important function of the coastal
radars. 10 Cyclones Detection Radars have already been installed. These radars
are providing useful estimates of storm centres upto a range 300-400 Km.
Doppler radars provide direct measurements of wind fields in TCs. Due to
range limitation, Doppler wind estimates are usually within a range of about
100 Km. IMD has deployed Doppler radars at 3 sites on the east coast.
Another set of 3 Doppler radars are being deployed in Andhra Pradesh in near
3.6 The meteorological satellite has made a tremendous impact on the analysis
of cyclones. All developing cloud clusters are routinely observed through
satellite cloud imagery & those showing signs of organisation are closely
monitored for signs of intensification. TC forecasters everywhere use the Dvorak
technique to estimate storm location and intensity. It has been found to provide
realistic estimates for TCs in the Bay of Bengal as well as Arabian Sea.
INSAT data has also been used to study the structures of different TCs in the
Bay of Bengal. IMD is also producing Cloud Motion Vectors (CMVs). Very
High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR) payload onboard INSAT –2E which have
been improved upon to provide water vapor channel data in addition to VIS & IR
onboard INSAT – 2E. A separate payload known as Charged Couple Device
(CCD) has also been deployed onboard this satellite.
3.7 The goal of any warning system is to maximize the number of people who
take appropriate and timely action for the safety of life and property. All warning
systems start with detection of the event and with people getting out of harm’s
way. Such warning systems encompass three equally important elements namely;
Detection and Warning; Communication; and Response.
3.8 The two stage warning system has been in existence since long in IMD.
Recently it has been improved upon by introducing two more stages - the ‘Pre-
Cyclone watch’ and the ‘post-landfall Scenario’. This four stage warning
system meets the requirements of Public Administrators and Crisis Managers.
The ‘Pre-Cyclone Watch’ stage, contains early warning about the development of
a cyclonic disturbance in the form of monsoon depression which has a potential
to threaten the coast with cyclone force winds. The coastal stretch likely to be
affected is identified. This early warning bulletin is issued by the IMD before the
Cyclone-Alert Stage. This provides enough lead time for the crisis managers to
undertake preparedness actions.
3.9 After the early warning on the ‘Pre-Cyclone Watch’ the Collectors of
coastal and few immediate interior districts and the Chief Secretary of the
concerned maritime State are warned in two stages, whenever any coastal belt is
expected to experience adverse weather (heavy rain/gales/tidal wave) in
association with a cyclonic storm or a depression likely to intensify into a
cyclonic storm.
3.10 The second stage of “Cyclone Alert” is sounded 48 hours in advance of
the expected commencement of adverse weather over the coastal areas.
Forecasts of commencement of strong winds, heavy precipitation along the
coast in association with arrival of cyclone are issued at the alert stage. Landfall
point is usually not identified at this stage. The third stage warning known as
“Cyclone Warning” is issued 24 hours in advance. Landfall point is forecast in
this stage of cyclone warning. In addition to the forecasts for heavy rains and
strong winds, the storm surge forecast is also issued. Since the storm surge is the
biggest killer so far as the devastating attributes of a storm are concerned,
information in this regard is most critical for taking follow up action for
evacuation from the low lying areas likely to be affected by the storm.
3.11 After the landfall of the cyclone the strong winds with gale force speeds
continue over certain interior districts of the maritime States hit by the cyclone.
To take cognizance of that, a fourth stage known as ‘Post-landfall Scenario
Stage’ is now identified usually as a part of the ‘Cyclone Warning Stage’ either at
the time of landfall of the disturbance or about twelve hour in advance of it. It
includes warnings of strong winds and heavy rains likely to be encountered in the
interior districts.
3.12 For communications, the IMD makes use of 97 point-to-point teleprinter
links connecting different field offices. Switching computers have been
provided at 5 Regional Centres. These computers are linked to the central
Regional Telecom Hub Computer at New Delhi. In addition, 69 centres have
been provided with 85 telex connections. Besides, 27 field offices have been
provided with Radio Teletype facility. IMD also utilizes VSAT technology
which has been installed at field offices. In addition, there are a number of
HF/RT and VHF links.
3.13 Cyclone warnings are communicated to Crisis Managers and other
concerned organizations by high priority telegrams, telex, telephones and Police
wireless. Cyclone warning are provided by the IMD from the Area Cyclone
Warning Centres (ACWCs) at Calcutta, Chennai and Mumbai and Cyclone
Warning Centers (CWCs) at Vishakhapatnam, Bhubaneswar and Ahmedabad.
There is also a Satellite based communication system called the Cyclone Warning
Dissemination Systems (CWDS) for transmission of warnings. There are 250 such
cyclone-warning sets installed in the cylone prone areas of east and west coast.
The general public, the coastal residents and fishermen, are also warned through
the Government mechinery and broadcast of warnings through AIR and
Flood Forecasting
3.17 Flooding is caused by the inadequate capacity within the banks of the rivers
to contain the high flow brought down from the upper catchments due to heavy
rainfall. It is also caused by accumulation of water resulting from heavy spells of
rainfall over areas, which have got poor drainage characteristics.
3.18 Flooding is accentuated by erosion and silting leading to meandering of the
rivers in plains and reduction in carrying capacity of the river channel. It is also
aggravated by earthquakes and land slides, leading to changes in river course and
obstructions to flow. Synchronization of floods in the main rivers and
tributaries and retardation of flow due to tidal effects lead to major floods.
Cyclones bring in their wake considerable loss of life and property.
3.19 The flood forecasting and warning system is used for alerting the likely
damage centers well in advance of the actual arrival of floods, to enable the people
to move and also to remove the moveable property to safer places or to raised
platforms specially constructed for the purpose.
3.20 A beginning in scientific flood forecasting was made in November, 1958 by
Central Water Commission (then known as Central Water & Power Commission)
when a Flood Forecasting Centre was set up at its Headquarters, at Delhi, for
giving timely Forecasts and Warnings of the incoming floods to the villages
located in the river areas around the National Capital, Delhi. The network has
been expanding and by now the Flood Forecasting Network of the Central Water
Commission(CWC) covers all the major flood prone inter-State river basins in the
3.21 At present there are 166 flood forecasting stations on various rivers in the
country which includes 134 level forecasting and 32 inflow forecasting stations,
river-wise break up of which is as under :
Sl.No. Name of River Systems No. of Flood Forecasting Stations
Level Inflow Total
1. Ganga & Tributaries 71 14 85
2. Brahmaputra & Tributaries 27 - 27
3. Barak-System 2 - 2
4. Eastern-Rivers 8 1 9
5. Mahanadi 2 1 3
6. Godavari 13 4 17
7. Krishna 2 6 8
8. West Flow Rivers 9 6 15
TOTAL 134 32 166
3.22 The Flood Forecasting Network covers the 14 States and one Union
Territory in addition to NCT of Delhi. State-wise number of flood forecasting
centres are as under :
Sl. No. of Flood Forecasting Stations
State /
Union territory Level Inflow Total
1. Andhra Pradesh 8 7 15
2. Assam 23 - 23
3. Bihar 32 - 32
4. Chhattishgarh 01 - 01
5. Gujarat 6 4 10
6. Haryana - 01 01
7. Jharkhand - 04 04
8. Karnataka 01 03 04
9. Madhya Pradesh 2 - 02
10. Maharashtra 5 02 07
11. Orissa 10 01 11
12. Uttaranchal 01 02 03
13. Uttar Pradesh 31 04 35
14. West Bengal 11 03 14
15. Dadra & Nagar
01 01 02
16. N.C.T. of Delhi 02 - 02
All India total 134 32 166
3.23 The Flood Forecasting involves the following four main activities :-
(i) Observation and collection of hydrological and hydro-meteorological
(ii) Transmission of Data to Forecasting Centres;
(iii) Analysis of data and formulation of forecast; and
(iv) Dissemination of forecast.
3.24 On an average, 6000 forecasts at various places in the country are issued
during the monsoon season every year. The analysis of the forecasts issued
during the last 25 years (1978 to 2002) indicates that accuracy of forecasts has
consistently increased from around 81% to 98%. Forecast is considered accurate
if forecast water level is within ± 15 cm. of actual water level of the inflow
forecast (i.e. discharge) is with in ± 20% of actual discharge.
3.25 In monitoring the floods, severity of floods are placed in the following four
categories by the central Water Commissions.
(i) Low flood stage:
It is that flood situation when the water level of the river is flowing
between warning level and danger level of the forecasting stations.
(ii) Medium flood stage:
The river is called in medium floods when its water level is at or
above the danger level of the forecasting station but below 0.50 of its
highest flood level (HFL).
(iii) High flood stage:
When the water level of the river is below the HFL but within 0.50
m. of the HFL of the forecasting stations.
(iv) Unprecedented flood stage :
The river is called in unprecedented floods when it attains water
level equal to or above its previous HFL at any forecasting station.
3.26 A computerized monitoring system has been developed under which daily
water levels as observed at 0800 hrs. and forecasts issued by field units are
transmitted to CWC headquarters in New Delhi. Based on the compilation of all
such data received from field divisions, daily water level and flood forecast
bulletins in two parts for stage and for inflow forecasting stations respectively.
3.27 Special Yellow Bulletins are issued whenever the river stage at the
forecasting site attains a level within 0.50 m of its previous HFL. Red Bulletins
highlighting security of the problem are also issued whenever the water level at
the forecasting stations equals or exceeds previous HFL.
3.28 Bulletins are also updated on CWC Web site: for
wider publicity among user agencies during flood season.
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
4.1 The Yokohama message emanating from the international decade for
natural disaster reduction in May, 1994 underlined the need for an emphatic shift
in the strategy for disaster mitigation. It was inter alia stressed that disaster
prevention, mitigation, preparedness and relief are four elements which contribute
to and gain, from the implementation of the sustainable development policies.
These elements alongwith environmental protection and sustainable development,
are closely inter related. Therefore, nations should incorporate them in their
development plans and ensure efficient follow up measures at the community,
sub-regional, regional, national and international levels. The Yokohama Strategy
also emphasized that disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness are better
than disaster response in achieving the goals and objectives of vulnerability
reduction. Disaster response alone is not sufficient as it yields only temporary
results at a very high cost. Prevention and mitigation contribute to lasting
improvement in safety and are essential to integrated disaster management.
4.2 The Government of India have adopted mitigation and prevention as
essential components of their development strategy. The Tenth Five Year Plan
document has a detailed chapter on Disaster Management. A copy of the said
chapter is enclosed at Annexure – II. The plan emphasizes the fact that
development cannot be sustainable without mitigation being built into
developmental process. Each State is supposed to prepare a plan scheme for
disaster mitigation in accordance with the approach outlined in the plan. In brief,
mitigation is being institutionalized into developmental planning.
4.3 As indicated in the earlier chapter, the Finance Commission makes
recommendations with regard to devolution of funds between the Central
Government and State Governments as also outlays for relief and rehabilitation.
The earlier Finance Commissions were mandated to look at relief and
rehabilitation. The Terms of Reference of the Twelfth Finance Commission have
been changed and the Finance Commission has been mandated to look at the
requirements for mitigation and prevention apart from its existing mandate of
looking at relief and rehabilitation. A Memorandum has been submitted to the
Twelfth Finance Commission after consultation with States. The Memorandum
proposes a Mitigation Fund.
4.4 The Government of India have issued guidelines that where there is a shelf
of projects, projects addressing mitigation will be given a priority. It has also been
mandated that each project in a hazard prone area will have disaster
prevention/mitigation as a term of reference and the project document has to
reflect as to how the project addresses that term of reference. A copy of the
guidelines is at Annexure – III.
4.5 Measures for flood mitigation were taken from 1950 onwards. As against
the total of 40 million hectares prone to floods, area of about 15 million hectares
have been protected by construction of embankments. A number of dams and
barrages have been constructed. The State Governments have been assisted to
take up mitigation programmes like construction of raised platforms etc. Floods
continue to be a menace however mainly because of the huge quantum of silt
being carried by the rivers emanating from the Himalayas. This silt has raised the
bed level in many rivers to above the level of the countryside. Embankments have
also gives rise to problems of drainage with heavy rainfall leading to water
logging in areas outside the embankment.
4.6 Due to erratic behaviour of monsoons, both low and medium rain fall
regions, which constitute about 68% of the total area, are vulnerable to periodical
droughts. Our experience has been that almost every third year is a drought year.
However, in some of the States, there may be successive drought years
enhancing the vulnerability of the population in these areas. Local communities
have devised indigenous safety mechanisms and drought oriented farming
methods in many parts of the country. From the experience of managing the past
droughts particularly the severe drought of 1987, a number of programmes have
been launched by the Government to mitigate the impact of drought in the long
run. These programmes include Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP), Desert
Development Programme (DDP), National Watershed Development Project for
Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA), Watershed Development Programme for Shifting
Cultivation (WDPSC), Integrated Water Development Project (IWDP), Integrated
Afforestation and Eco-development Project Scheme (IAEPS).
4.7 A comprehensive programme has been taken up for earthquake mitigation.
Although, the BIS has laid down the standards for construction in the seismic
zones, these were not being followed. The building construction in urban and
suburban areas is regulated by the Town and Country Planning Acts and Building
Regulations. In many cases, the Building regulations do not incorporate the BIS
codes. Even where they do, the lack of knowledge regarding seismically safe
construction among the architects and engineers as well as lack of awareness
regarding their vulnerability among the population led to most of the construction
in the urban/sub-urban areas being without reference to BIS standards. In the rural
areas, the bulk of the housing is non-engineered construction. The mode of
construction in the rural areas has also changed from mud and thatch to brick and
concrete construction thereby increasing the vulnerability. The increasing
population has led to settlements in vulnerable areas close to the river bed areas
which are prone to liquefaction. The Government have moved to address these
4.8 A National Core Group for Earthquake Mitigation has been constituted
consisting of experts in earthquake engineering and administrators. The Core
Group has been assigned with the responsibility of drawing up a strategy and
plan of action for mitigating the impact of earthquakes; providing advice and
guidance to the States on various aspects of earthquake mitigation;
developing/organizing the preparation of handbooks/pamphlets/type designs for
earthquake resistant construction; working out systems for assisting the States in
the seismically vulnerable zones to adopt/integrate appropriate Bureau of Indian
Standards codes in their building byelaws; evolving systems for training of
municipal engineers as also practicing architects and engineers in the private
sector in the salient features of Bureau of Indian Standards codes and the
amended byelaws; evolving a system of certification of architects/engineers for
testing their knowledge of earthquake resistant construction; evolving systems
for training of masons and carry out intensive awareness generation campaigns.
4.9 A Committee of experts has been constituted to review the building
byelaws. The State Governments have been advised to ensure rigorous
enforcement of existing bye laws. A national programme for capacity building
for earthquake mitigation has been finalized for imparting training to 10000
engineers in public and private sectors. Since earthquake engineering is not a
part of course curriculum in engineering colleges at undergraduate level at
present , it is proposed to select 3 to 4 leading engineering colleges in each State
and train the faculty members of the civil engineering departments in
earthquake engineering at the Indian Institutes of Technology and few other
apex level institutes which have the requisite capabilities. These faculty
members will take up training of municipal engineers as well as the training of
engineers/architects in the private sector in RCC and masonry construction. The
first phase of this programme for imparting training to 10000 engineers will be
completed within a period of three years. The trained faculty members of the
leading engineering colleges will also assist the State Governments in the
detailed evaluation of lifeline buildings and their retrofitting, wherever necessary.
4.10 It has been decided to include earthquake engineering education in the
engineering colleges at undergraduate level. The course curriculum for this
purpose has already been finalized by a group of experts taken from IITs and will
be introduced in the engineering colleges within an year. A system of special
audit of buildings is being put in place with a view to ensuring that the new
constructions conform to the latest building byelaws, which have been reviewed
and revised recently by Bureau of Indian Standards.
4.11 While these mitigation measures will take care of the new constructions,
the problem of unsafe existing buildings stock would still remain. It will not
be possible to address the entire existing building stock, therefore the life line
buildings like hospitals, schools or buildings where people congregate like cinema
halls, multi-storied apartments are being focussed on. The States have been
advised to have these buildings assessed and where necessary retrofitted. The
Ministry of Finance have been requested to advise the financial institutions to give
loans for retrofitting on easy terms. Insofar as the private housing stock is
concerned emphasis is placed on awareness generation.
4.12 An earthquake mitigation project has been finalized for reducing the
vulnerability to earthquakes. The programme includes detailed evaluation and
retrofitting of lifeline buildings such as hospitals, schools, water and power
supply units, telecommunication buildings, airports/airport control towers,
railway stations, bus stands and important administrative buildings. The
programme also includes training of more than one hundred thousand masons
for earthquake resistant constructions. Besides, assistance will be provided
under this project to the State Governments to put in place appropriate techno
legal regime.
4.13 An accelerated urban earthquake vulnerability reduction programme has
been taken up in 38 cities in seismic zones III, IV & V with population of half a
million and above. Sensitization workshop for engineers/architects, government
functionaries and voluntary organizations have already been held in 36 of the
38 cities. Disaster mitigation and preparedness plans are under preparation in
these cities. Awareness generation campaign has already been undertaken. The
orientation courses for engineers and architects have been organized to impart
knowledge about seismically safe construction and implementation of BIS
norms. This programme will be further extended to 166 earthquake prone
districts in seismic zones IV & V.
4.14 Rural housing and community assets for vulnerable sections of the
population are created at a fairly large scale by the Ministry of Rural
Development under the Indira Awas Yojna(IAY) and Sampooran Grameen
Rojgar Yojna(SGRY). About 250 thousand small but compact units are
constructed every year, besides community assets such as community centres,
recreation centres, anganwadi centres etc. Technology support is provided by
about two hundred rural housing centres spread over the entire country. The
Ministry of Rural Development are now under the process of revising their
guidelines for construction of such dwelling units by incorporating appropriate
earthquake/cyclone resistant features. Training to the functionaries in the rural
housing centres will be organized through the Ministry of Home Affairs . This
initiative is expected to go a long way for the construction and popularisation of
seismically safe construction at village/block level.
4.15 A National Core Group on Cyclone Monitoring & Mitigation has been
constituted. Experts from Indian Meteorological Department, National Centre for
Medium Range Weather Forecasting, Central Water Commission, National
Remote Sensing Agency and Indian Space Research Organisation have been made
the Members of the Core Group, besides administrators from the relevant
Ministries/Departments and State Governments vulnerable to cyclones. The Group
has been assigned with the responsibility of looking warning protocols for
cyclones; coordination mechanism between different Central and State
Ministries/Departments/Organisations; mechanism for dissemination of warning to
the local people and; cyclone mitigation measures required to be taken for the
coastal States. The Group will also suggest short-term and long-term measures on
technology upgradation.
4.16 A cyclone mitigation project has been formulated. The project inter alia
includes components on strengthening of monitoring/warning systems, coastal
shelter belt plantation, mangrove plantation, construction of cyclone shelters,
storm surge modeling and water envelope studies. The focus will be on regeneration
of coastal shelter belt plantation and mangrove plantation where these
have degenerated. The location of the cyclone shelters will be decided in such a
manner that no person in the vulnerable zone is required to walk more than two
kilometers to reach a cyclone shelter. The cyclone shelters will be multi purpose
units to be run as schools or community centres in normal times and will have
capacity to house 3000 to 5000 persons with adequate number of toilets,
community kitchen and other facilities. Areas will be identified for providing
shelter to livestock.
4.17 In the engineering designs for construction, special attention will be paid to
the attachment of roof to the dwelling units so as to make such units cyclone
proof, besides incorporating earthquake resistant features. The project will be
taken up shortly and is expected to be completed over a period of five years.
4.18 A Disaster Risk Management Programme has been taken up with the
assistance from UNDP, USAID and European Union in 169 most hazard prone
districts in 17 States including all the 8 North Eastern State. The implementation
of the project commenced from October, 2002 and is expected to be concluded by
December, 2007. The programme components include awareness generation and
public education, preparedness, planning and capacity building, developing
appropriate policies, institutional, administrative, legal and techno-legal regime at
State, District, Block, village, urban local body and ward levels for vulnerability
4.19 Under this programme Disaster Management Plans have been prepared for
about 3500 villages, 250 Gram Panchayat, 60 blocks and 15 districts. Elected
representatives of over 8000 Panchayati Raj Institutions have already been trained,
besides imparting training to Members of voluntary organisations. Over 20000
Government functionaries have been trained in disaster mitigation and
preparedness at different levels. About 600 engineers and 220 architects have been
trained under this programme in vulnerability assessment of lifeline buildings.
Training is being imparted to master trainers under the programme. More than 600
master trainers and 1000 teachers have already been trained in different districts in
disaster mitigation. Disaster Management Committees consisting of elected
representatives, civil society members, Civil Defence volunteers and Government
functionaries have been constituted at all levels including village/urban local
body/ward levels. Disaster Management Teams have been constituted in villages
and are being imparted training in basic functions of first aid, rescue, evacuation
and related issues. The thrust of the programme is to build up capabilities of the
community since the community is invariably the first responder. During the last
15 months, it has been experienced that the capacity building of the community
has been very helpful even in normal situations when isolated instances of
drowning, burns etc. take place. With the creation of awareness generation on
disaster mitigation, the community will be able to function as a well-knit unit in
case of any emergency. Mock drills are carried out from time to time under the
close supervision of Disaster Management Committees. The Disaster Management
Committees and Disaster Management Teams have been established by
notifications issued by the State Governments which will ensure that the entire
system is institutionalized and does not disintegrate after the conclusion of the
programme. The key points being stressed under this programme are the need to
ensure sustainability of the programme, development of training modules; manuals
and codes, up-scaling partnerships in excellence, focused attention to awareness
generation campaigns; institutionalization of disaster management committees and
disaster management teams, disaster management plans and mock-drills and
establishment of techno-legal regimes.
4.20 Human Resource Development at all levels is critical to institutionalization
of disaster mitigation strategy. The National Centre for Disaster Management at
the national level has been upgraded and designated as the National Institute of
Disaster Management. It is being developed as a Regional Centre of Excellence in
Asia. The National Institute of Disaster Management will develop training
modules at different levels, undertake training of trainers and organize training
programmes for planners, administrators and command functionaries. Besides, the
other functions assigned to the National Institute of Disaster Management include
development of exhaustive National level information base on disaster
management policies, prevention mechanisms, mitigation measures; formulation
of disaster management code and providing consultancy to various States in
strengthening their disaster management systems and capacities as well as
preparation of disaster management plans and strategies for hazard mitigation and
disaster response.
4.21 Disaster Management faculties have already been created in 29 State level
training institutes located in 28 States. These faculties are being directly supported
by the Ministry of Home Affairs. The State Training Institutions take up several
focused training programmes for different target groups within the State. The
Disaster Management faculties in these Institutes are being further strengthened so
as to enable them to develop as Institutes of Excellence for a specific disaster. This
system has already been institutionalized and is being further strengthened so as to
make it a focal point in each State for development of human resources in disaster
mitigation and preparedness. Assistance to the State level training institutes will be
provided by the National Institute of Disaster Management in the development of
training/capsules training modules for different functionaries at different levels.
4.22 Large-scale awareness generation bringing out specific do’s and don’ts is
crucial to disaster mitigation. A Steering Committee on mass-media campaign has
been constituted for this purpose. The Committee is in the process of developing a
profile for taking up mass media campaign through audio, video and print media
as well as publicity through pamphlets, posters, bus back panels at all levels. The
posters would be prominently displayed at buildings like Primary Health Centres,
Community Centres, schools and such other places where villagers normally
congregate for community activity. The Corporate sector is also being associated
with the dissemination of campaign.
4.23 Disaster management as a subject in Social Sciences has been introduced in
the school curriculum for Class VIII from the current academic year. The Central
Board of Secondary Education which has introduced the curriculum runs a very
large number of schools throughout the country and the course curriculum is
invariably followed by the State Boards of Secondary Education. Several State
Governments have already introduced the same curriculum in Class VIII from the
current academic year. Syllabus for Class IX and X has been finalized and will be
introduced in the course curriculum from April, 2004 and April, 2005 respectively.
4.24 In order to assist the State Governments in capacity building and awareness
generation activities and to learn from past experiences including sharing of best
practices, the Ministry of Home Affairs has compiled/prepared a set of resource
materials developed by various organisations/institutions to be replicated and
disseminated by State Governments based on their vulnerabilities after translating
it into the local languages. The voluminous material which runs in about 10000
pages has been divided into 4 broad sections in 7 volumes. These sections
coverplanning to cope with disasters; education and training; construction toolkit;
and information, education and communication toolkit including multi-media
resources on disaster mitigation and preparedness. The Planning section contains
material for analyzing a community’s risk, development of Preparedness.
mitigation and disaster management plans, coordinating available resources and
implementing measures for risk reduction. The model bye-laws, DM Policy, Act
and model health sector plan have also been included. Education and Training
includes material for capacity building and upgradation of skills of policy makers,
administrators, trainers, engineers etc. in planning for and mitigating against
natural disasters. Basic and detailed training modules in disaster preparedness
have been incorporated along with training methodologies for trainers, for
community preparedness and manuals for training at district, block, panchayat and
village levels. For creating a disaster-resistant building environment, the
Construction Toolkit addresses the issue of seismic resistant construction and
retrofitting of existing buildings. BIS Codes, manuals and guidelines for RCC,
Masonry and other construction methodologies as also for repair and retrofitting of
masonry and low-rise buildings have been included.
4.25 IEC material seeks to generate awareness to induce mitigation and
preparedness measures for risk reduction Material and strategies used by various
States and international organisations, including tips on different hazards, have
been incorporated along with multi-media CDs on disasters. The material has been
disseminated to all the State Governments/UT Administrations with the request to
have the relevant material, based on the vulnerability of each district, culled out,
translated into local languages and disseminate it widely down to the village level.
4.26 The various prevention and mitigation measures outlined above are aimed
at building up the capabilities of the communities, voluntary organisations and
Government functionaries at all levels. Particular stress is being laid on ensuring
that these measures are institutionalized considering the vast population and the
geographical area of the country. This is a major task being undertaken by the
Government to put in place mitigation measures for vulnerability reduction. This
is just a beginning. The ultimate goal is to make prevention and mitigation a part
of normal day-to-day life. The above mentioned initiatives will be put in place and
information disseminated over a period of five to eight years. We have a firm
conviction that with these measures in place, we could say with confidence that
disasters like Orissa cyclone and Bhuj earthquake will not be allowed to recur in
this country; at least not at the cost, which the country has paid in these two
disasters in terms of human lives, livestock, loss of property and means of
5.1 Mitigation and preparedness measures go hand in hand for vulnerability
reduction and rapid professional response to disasters. The Bhuj earthquake in
January, 2001 brought out several inadequacies in the system. The search and
rescue teams had not been trained professionally; specialized dog squad to look
for live bodies under the debris were not available; and there was no centralized
resource inventory for emergency response. Although army played a pivotal role
in search and rescue and also set up their hospital after the collapse of
Government hospital at Bhuj, the need for fully equipped mobile hospitals with
trained personnel was felt acutely. Despite these constraints, the response was
fairly well organized. However, had these constraints been taken care of before
hand, the response would have been even more professional and rapid which may
have reduced the loss of lives. Specialist search and rescue teams from other
countries did reach Bhuj. However, precious time was lost and even with these
specialist teams it was not possible to cover all severely affected areas as quickly
as the Government would have desired. It was, therefore, decided that we
should remove these inadequacies and be in a stage of preparedness at all times.
5.2 The Central Government are now in the process of training and equipping
96 specialist search and rescue teams, with each team consisting of 45 personnel
including doctors, paramedics, structural engineers etc. Ten teams have already
been trained. These teams will be located at various centres around the country
for specialised response. These teams will have the latest equipment as also dog
squads for locating survivors in the debris.
5.3 Apart from specialist search & rescue units, it has been decided that
personnel of Central Police Organisations should also be imparted training in
search and rescue so that they can be requisitioned to the site of incident without
loss of time. Pending arrival of the specialist teams, the battalions located near the
site of incident would be deployed immediately. For this purpose, a curriculum
has been drawn up and integrated into the training curriculum of CPMFs.
5.4 The States have also been advised to set up their own specialist teams for
responding to disasters. Assistance will be provided to the State Governments for
training their trainers at the national institutes already designated for this
purpose. The State Governments’ search and rescue teams to be constituted from
the State Police will be equipped to meet the requirement. For this purpose, the
State Governments have been authorised to utilize 10% of the annual allocation
made under the Contingency Relief Fund for purchase of equipments.
5.5 Fourteen Regional Response Centres are being set up in different parts of
the country . These centres will have response teams and equipment and resources
for being able to response to any hazard/calamity in the neighbouring States.
5.6 A Steering Committee has been constituted in the Ministry to oversee the
creation of capabilities for emergency response.
5.7 A 200 bedded mobile hospital, fully trained and equipped is being set up
by the Ministry of Health and attached to a leading Government hospital in
Delhi. Three additional mobile hospitals with all medical and emergency
equipments are proposed to be located in different parts of the country. These
mobile hospitals will also be attached to the leading Government hospitals in the
country. This will enable the mobile hospitals to extend assistance to the
hospitals with which they are attached in normal time. They will be airlifted
during emergencies with additional doctors/paramedics taken from the hospitals
with which the mobile hospitals are attached to the site of disaster.
5.8 It is proposed to purchase dedicated aircraft and helicopters with a view
to reducing the response time. The issue is pending for consideration and
approval of Empowered Group of Ministers on Disaster Management. Once the
airlift facilities are developed for exclusive use for disaster management, it will
be possible to provide airlift facilities to specialist search and rescue teams,
mobile hospitals and equipments.
5.9 In order to professionalise the response, it is proposed to introduce the
Incident Command System in the country. This system provides for specialist
incident command teams with an Incident Commander and officers trained in
different aspects of incident management – logistics, operations, planning, safety,
media management etc. The incident Command System has been finalized
keeping in view the systems and procedures prevalent in our country by
dovetailing it in the existing governmental machinery already in position. The
training of trainers in the Incident Command System has already commenced at
Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration at Mussoori which has
been designated as the nodal training institutes for this purpose.
5.10 A web-enabled centralised data base for the India Disaster Resource
Network has been operationalzed. The network will ensure quick access to
resources to minimise response time in emergencies. The list of resources to be
updated in the system has been finalized. It has 226 items. About 60,000 records
in 481 districts throughout the country have already been uploaded since Ist
September, 2003 when the India Disaster Resource Network was formally
inaugurated. The system will give, at the touch of the button, location of specific
equipments/specialist resources as well as the Controlling authority for that
resource so that it can be mobilized for response in the shortest possible time. The
data base will be available simultaneously at the district, state and national levels.
5.11 The States are being persuaded to set up control rooms/emergency
operations centres at the state and district level. Assistance for construction and
purchase of equipments for control rooms is being provided. The control rooms,
which will function round the clock, will be composite control rooms to look after
law and order issues as well as disaster management. Equipments are also
being provided for these control rooms under the disaster risk management
5.12 Communication is a major bottleneck in case of any major disaster
particularly when the traditional network system already in force brake down. In
order to strengthen communications, it has been decided that police network
(POLNET) will also be used for disaster management. For this purpose POLNET
communication facility will be extended to District Magistrates, Sub Divisional
Magistrates as well as the Control Rooms. For emergency communication,
mobile satellite based units which can be transported to the site of the disaster
are being procured. A group was constituted to draw a comprehensive
communication plan for disaster management and the report has since been
received. This provides for a dedicated communication system for disaster
management with built in redundancies.
5.13 The Geographical Information System (GIS) data base is an effective tool
for emergency responders to access information in terms of crucial parameters
for the disaster affected areas. The crucial parameters include location of the
public facilities, communication links and transportation network at national, state
and district levels. The GIS data base already available with different agencies
of the Government is being upgraded and the gaps are proposed to be bridged. A
project for this purpose is being drawn up with a view to institutionalising the
arrangements. The data base will provide multi layered maps on district wise
basis. Three maps taken in conjunction with the satellite images available for a
particular area will enable the district administration as well as State
Governments to carry out hazard zonation and vulnerability assessment, as well
as coordinate response after a disaster.
5.14 In order to further strengthen the capacity for response, the fire services
are proposed to be developed into multi hazard response units as is the normal
practice in several other countries. It is proposed to provide rescue tenders in
addition to fire tenders to each fire unit and fill up all gaps upto sub-divisional
level. Hazmat vans will be provided to State capitals and metropolitan cities.
This will necessitate recruitment of additional fire men and drivers and intensive
training required to be provided to enable them to function as efficient of all
purpose response units. A project for development of fire service into all hazard
response units has also been finalized and submitted for obtaining necessary
financial approval.
5.15 India has a large network of Civil Defence and Home Guards volunteers.
The existing strength is about 1.2 million. However, this organization has not so
far been associated with disaster mitigation, preparedness and response
functions. It is proposed to revamp the Civil Defence organization to enable
them to discharge a key responsibility in all the facets of disaster management
including preparedness. A proposal in this regard has been finalized and is under
consideration of the Government.
5.16 Standard Operating Procedures are being laid down to ensure all the steps
required to be taken for disaster management are put in place. The Standard
Operating Procedure will also in encompass response, besides preparedness.
5.17 With the development of disaster management committees and disaster
management teams at all levels including village/urban local body/ward level, the
stage will be set for comprehensive preparedness measures to be taken with
active participation of the community and non-governmental organizations.
5.18 With the mitigation and preparedness measures outlined in this and earlier
section in position, it is expected that natural hazards could be handled more
efficiently so as to ensure that these hazards did not get converted into disasters.
6.1 Disaster Management has to be a multi-disciplinary and pro-active
approach. Besides various measures for putting in place institutional and policy
framework, disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness enunciated in this
paper and initiatives being taken by the Central and State Governments, the
community, civil society organisations and media also have a key role to play in
achieving our goal of moving together, towards a safer India. The message being
put across is that, in order to move towards safer and sustainable national
development, development projects should be sensitive towards disaster
6.2 Our mission is vulnerability reduction to all types of hazards, be it natural
or manmade. This is not an easy task to achieve, keeping in view the vast
population, and the multiple natural hazards to which this country is exposed.
However, if we are firm in our conviction and resolve that the Government and the
people of this country are not prepared to pay the price in terms of massive
casualties and economic losses, the task, though difficult, is achievable and we
shall achieve it.
6.3 We have taken the first few but significant steps towards vulnerability
reduction, putting in place prevention and mitigation measures and preparedness
for a rapid and professional response. With a massive awareness generation
campaign and building up of capabilities as well as institutionalization of the
entire mechanism through a techno legal and techno financial framework, we are
gradually moving in the direction of sustainable development.
6.4 Our vision 2020 is to build a safer and secure India through sustained
collective effort, synergy of national capacities and people’s participation. What
looks a dream today will be transformed into reality in the next two decades. This
is our goal and we shall strive to achieve this goal with a missionary zeal. The path
ahead, which looks difficult today, will become a lot easier as we move along
1. A review of the disaster management mechanism was carried out by the
Government of India after the Bhuj earthquake. It was noted that there was need
for building up holistic capabilities for disaster management – so as to be able to
handle both natural and man-made disasters. It was accordingly decided that the
subject of Disaster Management be transferred from the Ministry of Agriculture to
the Ministry of Home Affairs (excluding drought and epidemics and those
emergencies/disasters which were specifically allotted to other Ministries). The
Government (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961 were accordingly amended in
February, 2002. The actual transfer of work took place in June, 2002.
2. India has been very vulnerable to natural hazards and calamities. The Bhuj
earthquake accounted for 13805 deaths, the super cyclone in Orissa accounted for
9885 deaths. Government are of the view that if appropriate mitigation measures
had been taken these casualties could have been reduced significantly.
3. Each year disasters also account for loss of thousands of crores in terms of
social and community assets. It is clear that development cannot be sustainable
without building in mitigation into the planning process. Keeping the above
factors in view, the Government of India have brought about a change in policy
which emphasizes mitigation, prevention and preparedness. With the approval of
Dy. Prime Minister, a strategic roadmap as given in the succeeding pages has been
drawn up for reducing the country’s vulnerability to disasters. Action for reducing
our vulnerabilities to disasters shall be taken in accordance with the roadmap. The
roadmap will be reviewed every two years to see if any change in direction is
Expected Outputs Areas of intervention Agencies/sectors to be
involved and resource
Nodal agency for
disaster management at
the national level with
appropriate systems
(i)Constitution of
National Emergency
Management Authority
with appropriate legal,
financial and
administrative powers.
(ii)Roles and
responsibilities of the
-Coordinating multihazard
prevention, preparedness
and response
- Policies for disaster
risk reduction and
-Preparedness at all
-Coordination of
-Coordination of post
disaster relief and
-Amendment of existing
laws, procedures,
Ministries/ Departments
of Health, Water
Resources, Environment
and Forests, Agriculture,
Railways, Atomic
Energy, Defence,
Chemicals, Science &
Technology, Rural
Development, Road
Transport & Highways
Creation of State
Departments of Disaster
Departments of Relief &
Rehabilitation to be redesignated
Department of Disaster
Management with
enhanced areas of
responsibility to include
mitigation, prevention
and preparedness
State Governments/ UT
Setting up State Disaster
Management Authorities
(i) State Disaster
Management Authority
to be headed by the Chief
(ii) The Authority to lay
down policies and
monitor mitigation,
prevention and
preparedness as also
oversee response.
Ministers for
Agriculture, Home,
Disaster Management,
Water Resources,
Health, Road &
Transport, Civil
Supplies, Environment &
Forests, Rural
Development, Urban
Development and Public
Health Engineering
Departments as
mitigation/prevention to
be mainstreamed into the
development process.
(i) Each Ministry
/Department which has a
role in mitigation
/prevention will make
appropriate outlays for
schemes addressing
(ii) Where there is a
shelf of projects
/schemes, projects /
schemes contributing to
mitigation to be given a
(iii) Wherever possible
Ministries / Department
of Govt. of India / State
Governments /UT
schemes/projects in areas
prone to natural hazards
to be so designed as to
contribute to mitigation,
and preparedness.
(iv) Projects in
vulnerable areas/areas
prone to natural hazards
to be designed to
withstand natural
Techno-legal regime (i) regular review of
building codes and its
(ii) construction in
seismic zones III, IV and
V to be as per BIS
codes/National Building
(iii) Construction in
areas vulnerable to
cyclones to be so
designed as to withstand
the wind hazard as per
BIS codes/National
Building Codes.
(iv) Comprehensive
review and compliance
- Town and Country
Planning Acts
-Development Control
-Planning and Building
Standards Regulations
Bureau of Indian
Standards/Ministry of
urban Development
State Urban
Department / Urban
Local Bodies
State Urban
Department / Urban
Local Bodies
State Urban
Department / Urban
Local Bodies
(v)Put in place
appropriate technofinancial
enhancement of Urban
Local Bodies to enforce
compliance of technolegal
State Urban
Department / Urban
Local Bodies
State Governments
Land-use Planning and
Zoning regulations
(i) Legal framework for
Land-use planning and
zoning regulations to be
(ii) Zoning regulations
to be enforced.
Ministry of Urban
Department of Land
Ministry of Environment
and Forests[GOI]
State Governments
Plan schemes for
vulnerability reduction
and preparedness.
State Governments. to
formulate Plan Schemes
and submit to Planning
State Governments
Disaster Management to
be listed in List – III –
[Concurrent List] of
Seventh Schedule to the
(i) Bill to be drafted.
(ii) Bill to be brought
before Parliament
Ministry of Home
Ministry of Law
(Legislative Department)
State Disaster
Management Acts
Model Act to be
circulated to the States.
Ministry of Home
State Governments
National Policy on
Disaster Management
(i) Mainstreaming
disaster management into
planning and
development process.
Ministry of Home
Affairs, Ministry of
Finance, Planning
Commission, Ministry of
(ii) Mandate safe
(iii) Coordinated action
by all relevant
Departments as per
Environment & Forests,
Rural Development,
Urban Development and
other relevant Ministries
to be consulted.
States to enunciate
Policy on Disaster
Management .
(i) Mainstreaming
disaster management into
planning and
development process.
(ii) Mandate safe
(iii) Coordinated action
by all relevant
Departments as per
State Governments
State Disaster
Management Codes
Amendment of existing
relief codes/scarcity
codes/famine codes to
incorporate mitigation,
preparedness and
planning measures at all
levels from community
to State, constitution of
Emergency Support
Teams /Disaster
Management Teams
/Committees /State
Disaster Management
Authorities, delegation of
administrative and
financial powers to
disaster incident
managers etc, protocol to
update the inventory of
resources and plans,
State Governments
National Emergency
Response Force/
Specialist Response
(i) Designation of units
for conversion into
Specialist Response
(ii) Designation of
training centres.
(iii) Training of trainers.
(iv) Procurement of
(v) Training of teams.
Ministry of Home
Central Industrial
Security Force/ Indo-
Tibetan Boarder Police/
Border Security Force/
Central Reserve Police
Specialized Response Teams at State
(i) Designation
of units for
conversion into
Response Teams.
(ii) Designation
of training
(iii) Training of
(iv) Procurement
of equipment
using CRF
(v) Training of
State Department
of Disaster
Home Department
State Police
Traning College/
State Fire
Training Institute
Setting up Emergency
Operations Centre[EOC]
at National level
(i) Multi- hazard
resistant construction.
(ii) Communication
system linkages.
(iii) Mobile EOCs for
on-site disaster
information management
Central Public Works
Department for Central
Public Works
Ministry of Home
State level EOC (i) Multi- hazard
resistant construction.
(ii) Communication
system linkages.
(iii) Mobile EOC for onsite
disaster management
State Governments
District level EOC (i) Multi- hazard
resistant construction.
(ii) Communication
system linkages.
State Governments
Putting Incident
Command System in
(i) Designate nodal
training centres.
(ii) Putting in place
protocols/SOPs for
Incident Command
Ministry of Home
Affairs/ Department of
Personal and Training/
Lal Bahadur Shastri
National Academy of
Administration / State
Administrative Training
Emergency Support
Function Plan
(i) epartments/agencies
which perform
emergency support
functions to draw up ESF
plans, constitute teams,
Central Government
Ministries/ Departments
State Governments
and set apart resources in
advance so that postdisaster
response is
India Disaster Resource
(i) A web enabled GISbased
resource inventory
listing out all the
necessary resources for
emergency response
available at the district
and State level
throughout the country
so that resources can be
mobilized at short notice.
(ii) Set up servers, draw
up and install
programmes, input data.
(iii) Half yearly
Ministry of Home
State Governments.
Communication linkages
which will be functional
even post-disaster.
(i) Draw up
communication plan.
(ii) Obtain sanctions.
(iii) Put communication
network in place.
Ministry of Home
Directorate Coordination
of Police Wireless
State Governments
Regional Response
(i) Identify location of
Regional Response
(ii) Identify caches of
equipment required.
(iii) Obtain sanctions.
(iv) Put teams and
caches of equipments in
Ministry of Home
Border Security Force/
Indo-Tibetan Border
Police /Central Reserve
Police Force/ Central
Industrial Security Force
Training in response to
be made a part of
training curriculum of
CPMFs and State Police
(i)Draw up capsules.
(ii) Train trainers
Ministry of Home
State Governments
State Disaster
Management Plans
(i) Plan to be drafted
under the supervision of
the Chief Secretary.
(ii) Plan will include
mitigation, preparedness
and response elements.
(iii) The plan will be
multi-disciplinary to be
drawn up in
with all relevant
Departments concerned
with mitigation,
preparedness and
(iv) Plan to be updated
once a year.
State Governments/ State
Disaster Management
District Disaster
Management Plans
(i) To be drawn up
under the supervision of
Magistrate/Collector and
to include mitigation,
preparedness and
(ii) Emergency Support
Functions by various
Departments to be
(iii) To be drawn up in
consultation with all
State Governments/ State
Disaster Management
relevant Departments.
(iv) District inventory of
resources to be
Block Disaster
Management Plans
(i) To be drawn up
under the supervision of
Magistrate/Collector and
to include mitigation,
preparedness and
(ii) Emergency Support
Functions by various
Departments to be
(iii) To be drawn up in
consultation with all
relevant Departments.
(iv) District inventory of
resources to be
State Governments/ State
Disaster Management
Authorities / Block
Community based
mitigation, preparedness
and response plans
(i) Enhance community
capacity in multi-hazard
prone States and districts
to respond effectively to
attention to be given to
empowering and
capacity building of
vulnerable communities
and groups including
(ii) Set up and train
village/ Panchayat (for
rural areas) and
council/corporations (for
urban areas) disaster
management committees
and disaster management
teams e.g.
-Identification of safe
shelters and management
-Stockpiling of relief
materials etc.
-early warning
-first-aid and counselling
-assist in search and
(iii) such plans to be
made integral to annual
development plan of
local bodies
(iv) mitigation plans of
the community and
Panchayats to receive
priority under various
rural development
schemes administered by
Panchayats and Urban
local bodies
State Governments/
District Administration/
Panchayati Raj
Institution /Urban Local
(i) State of the art
sensors to be set up.
(ii) Hazard monitoring,
tracking and modelling.
(i) IMD/CWC to carry out
a review of sensors
available and draw up
plans for strengthening the
(ii) Models to be updated
to improve prediction
Indian Meteorological
Department/ Central
Water Commission/
National Centre for
Medium Range
Weather Forecasting
Warning Protocols (i) Warning protocols to
be user friendly.
(ii) Warning to be
communicated as quickly
as possible to the
(iii) Protocols should be
simple to understand.
(iv) Districts to set up
protocols for
communication of early
warning to the community.
(v) Panchayats/local
bodies to be used for early
warning communication.
vi) Communication
linkages for early warning.
.Ministry of Home
Affairs/ State
Governments /Indian
Department/ Central
Water Commission/
National Remote
Sensing Agency/
Information and
Doordarshan/ All India
Training for services
/cadres/ agencies
involved in mitigation,
preparedness or
(i) Training needs
analysis/ Human
Resource Development
(ii)Drawing up of
capsule courses for
Ministry of Home
State Governments
(iii) Training of trainers.
iv) National Institute for
Disaster Management to
be strengthened.
(iv)Setting up
/strengthening training
institutions in state
faculties of Disaster
Management in
Administrative Training
Training of IAS/IPS,
State Administrative
Service Officers/State
(i) Training curriculum
for IAS/IPS and State
Administrative Service
Officers/State Police
Officers to include
capsules in disaster
(ii)Training of
Block/Village level staff
(iii) Training of PRIs.
Administrative Training
Institutes /State Institutes
of Rural Development
and District Institutes of
Education and Training
to be used.
Engineers/Architects Curriculum for
engineering and B.Arch
courses to be amended to
include mitigation
technologies in general
and elements of
earthquake engineering
in particular
State Governments
All India Council for
Technical Education
Indian Institute of
Professional bodies
Health Professionals Include crisis prevention,
response and recovery
and trauma management
in the MBBS curriculum.
Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare
Medical Council of India
Youth organisation NCC, NSS, Scouts &
Guides to include
disaster response, search
and rescue in their
Ministry of Youth and
Ministry of Defence
Masons Mason training for safe
Ministry of Rural
Department of Urban
Development/ State
School curriculum To include disaster
Central and State Boards
of Education
National mass media
campaign for awareness
Design and develop a
communication strategy
for awareness campaign
Use audio, visual and
print medium to
implement awareness
Development of resource
materials on mitigation,
preparedness and
Ministry of Home Affairs
/State Governments
Ministry of Home Affairs
/State Governments
Ministry of Home Affairs
organizations involved in
awareness generation and
community participation
in disaster preparedness
and mitigation planning
(i) Facilitate network of
non-govt community
based organizations at
(ii) Co-opted into the
planning process and
response mechanisms at
all levels
Ministry of Home Affairs
/National Institute for
Disaster Management
Ministry of Home Affairs
/National Institute for
Disaster Management
Corporate sectors
involved in awareness
generation and disaster
preparedness and
mitigation planning
Sensitisation, training and
co-opting corporate sector
and their nodal bodies in
planning process and
response mechanisms
Ministry of Home
Federation of Indian
Inter-state arrangements
for sharing of resources
during emergencies and
lessons learnt
(i) Arrangements for
inter-State sharing of
resources to be
incorporated in State
Ministry of Home
State Governments
Disaster Management
(ii) Inter-state exposure
visits to be facilitated for
learning from the
experiences of other
Ministry of Home
State Governments
knowledge and lessons
learnt in the process of
working on the national
(i) Assessment and
evaluation of ongoing
programmes and
regular documentation of
key lessons
(ii) Establish India
Disaster Resource
Network as knowledge
portal to pool and
exchange information and
knowledge among all
concerned institutions and
Ministry of Home Affairs
State Governments /
National Institute for
Disaster Management
Ministry of Home Affairs
Develop national
disasters database
inventorization of
(ii)Trend analysis and
National Institute for
Disaster Management
Promote research in
national, state and
regional institutions in the
areas of disaster risk
(i)mitigation technologies
for housing, roads and
bridges, water supply and
sewerage systems, power
equipments for
specialized rapid response
and preparedness in
--temporary and transition
shelter in post-disaster
Ministries / Departments
of Central Government
--search and rescue
--provision of drinking
water, emergency health
and sanitation in postdisaster
-post-trauma stress
management and care
(iii) promote participation
of corporate sector in
finding out technological
solutions for disaster risk
1. Five Year Plan documents have, historically, not included consideration of
issues relating to the management and mitigation of natural disasters. The
traditional perception has been limited to the idea of “calamity relief”, which is
seen essentially as a non-plan item of expenditure. However, the impact of major
disasters cannot be mitigated by the provision of immediate relief alone, which is
the primary focus of calamity relief efforts. Disasters can have devastating effects
on the economy; they cause huge human and economic losses, and can
significantly set back development efforts of a region or a State. Two recent
disasters, the Orissa Cyclone and the Gujarat Earthquake, are cases in point. With
the kind of economic losses and developmental setbacks that the country has been
suffering year after year, the development process needs to be sensitive towards
disaster prevention and mitigation aspects. There is thus need to look at disasters
from a development perspective as well.
2. Further, although disaster management is not generally associated with
plan financing, there are in fact a number of plan schemes in operation, such as for
drought proofing, afforestation, drinking water, etc., which deal with the
prevention and mitigation of the impact of natural disasters. External assistance for
post-disaster reconstruction and streamlining of management structures also is a
part of the Plan. A specific, centrally sponsored scheme on disaster management
also exists. The Plan thus already has a defined role in dealing with the subject.
3. Recently, expert bodies have dwelt on the role of the Planning
Commission and the use of plan funds in the context of disaster management.
Suggestions have been made in this regard by the Eleventh Finance Commission,
and also the High Powered Committee on Disaster Management. An approach on
planning for safe development needs to be set out in the light of these suggestions.
4. This chapter reflects the considerations outlined above. It briefly outlines
the global context and the Indian experience of disasters, sets out the institutional
and financial arrangements for disaster management and the response towards
these in
the country, looks at directions for improvement, and concludes with a strategy to
facilitate planning for safe national development in the Tenth Plan period.
5. There has been an increase in the number of natural disasters over the past
years, and with it, increasing losses on account of urbanisation and population
growth, as a result of which the impact of natural disasters is now felt to a larger
extent. According to the United Nations, in 2001 alone, natural disasters of
medium to high range caused at least 25,000 deaths around the world, more than
double the previous year, and economic losses of around US $ 36 billion. These
figures would be much higher, if the consequences of the many smaller and
unrecorded disasters that cause significant losses at the local community level
were to be taken into account. Devastations in the aftermath of powerful
earthquakes that struck Gujarat, El Salvador and Peru; floods that ravaged many
countries in Africa, Asia and elsewhere; droughts that plagued Central Asia
including Afghanistan, Africa and Central America; the cyclone in Madagascar
and Orissa; and floods in Bolivia are global events in recent memory. However,
what is disturbing is the knowledge that
these trends of destruction and devastation are on the rise instead of being kept in
6. Natural disasters are not bound by political boundaries and have no social
or economic considerations. They are borderless as they affect both developing
and developed countries. They are also merciless, and as such the vulnerable tend
to suffer more at the impact of natural disasters. For example, the developing
countries are much more seriously affected in terms of the loss of lives, hardship
borne by population and the percentage of their GNP lost. Since 1991, two-third of
the victims
of natural disasters were from developing countries, while just 2 per cent were
from highly developed nations. Those living in developing countries and
especially those with limited resources tend to be more adversely affected. With
the alarming rise in
the natural disasters and vulnera-bility per se, the world community is
strengthening its efforts to cope with it.
7. As a number of the most vulnerable regions are in India, natural disaster
management has emerged as a high priority for the country. Going beyond the
historical focus on relief and rehabilitation after the event, we now have to look
ahead and plan for disaster preparedness and mitigation, in order that the periodic
shocks to our development efforts are minimized.
Regional Vulnerabilities
8. Physical vulnerability relates to the physical location of people, their
proximity to the hazard zone and standards of safety maintained to counter the
effects. For instance, some people are vulnerable to flood only because they live in
a flood prone area. Physical vulnerability also relates to the technical capacity of
buildings and structures to resist the forces acting upon them during a hazard
9. The extent to which a population is
affected by a calamity does not purely lie in
the physical components of vulnerability, but
is contextual also to the prevailing social and
economic conditions and it’s consequential
effect on human activities within a given
society. Research in areas affected by
earthquakes indicates that single parent
families, women, handicapped people,
children and the aged are particularly
vulnerable social groups. The geophysical setting with unplanned and inadequate
developmental activity is a cause for increased losses during disasters. In the case
of India, the contribution of over-population to high population density, which in
turn results in escalating losses, deserves to be noted. This factor sometimes tends
to be as important as physical vulnerability attributed to geography and
infrastructure alone.
10. The continent of Asia is particularly vulnerable to disaster strikes. Between
the years 1991 to 2000 Asia has accounted for 83 per cent of the population
affected by disasters globally. While the number of people affected in the rest of
the world were 1,11,159, in Asia the number was 5,54,439.Within Asia, 24 per
cent of deaths due to disasters occur in India, on account of its size, population and
vulnerability. Floods and high winds account for 60 per cent of all disasters in
India. While substantial progress has been made in other sectors of human
development, there is need to do more towards mitigating the effect of disasters.
11. Many parts of the Indian sub-continent are susceptible to different types of
disasters owing to the unique topographic and climatic characteristics. About 54
per cent of the sub-continent’s landmass is vulnerable to earthquakes while about
4 crore hectares is vulnerable to periodic floods. The decade 1990-2000, has been
one of very high disaster losses within the country, losses in the Orissa Cyclone in
1999, and later, the Gujarat Earthquake in 2001 alone amount to several thousand
crore of Rupees, while the total expenditure on relief and reconstruction in Gujarat
alone has been to the tune of Rs 11,500 crore.
12. Similarly, the country has suffered four major earthquakes in the span of
last fifty years along with a series of moderate intensity earthquakes that have
occurred at regular intervals. Since 1988, six earthquakes have struck different
parts of the country. These caused considerable human and property losses.
Table 7.1
Major Earthquakes in India, 1988-2001
13. Disasters lead to enormous
economic losses that are both
immediate as well as long term in
nature and demand additional
revenues. Also, as an immediate fallout,
disasters reduce revenues from the
affected region due to lower levels of
economic activity leading to loss of direct and indirect taxes. In addition,
unplanned budgetary allocation to disaster recovery can hamper development
interventions and lead to unmet developmental targets.
14. Disasters may also reduce availability of new investment, further
constricting the growth of the region. Besides, additional pressures may be
imposed on finances of the government through investments in relief and
rehabilitation work.
15. In the recent earthquake in Gujarat,
more than 14,000 lives were lost, ten lakh
houses were damaged and the asset loss has
been indicated to be worth 15,000 crore. Tables
7.2 to 7.5 give an indication of the magnitude of
the damage and losses incurred by the country
in recent natural disasters.
16. The dimensions of the damage, as
evident in the tables and the diagram 7.1
emphasise the point that natural disasters cause major setbacks to development
and it is the poorest and the weakest that are the most vulnerable to disasters.
Given the high frequency with which one or the other part of the country suffers
due to disasters, mitigating the impact of disasters must be an integral component
of our development planning and be part of our poverty reduction strategy.
17. The country with its federal system of Government has specific roles for
the Central and State Governments. However, the subject of disaster management
does not specifically find
Table 7.2
Damage due to Natural Disasters in India
Source : Annual Reports, NDM Division, Ministry of Agriculture
Table 7.3
Annual Damage due to Heavy Rains, Landslide and Floods
Source : Annual Reports, Natural Disaster Management Division, Ministry of
Table 7.4
Damage due to Cyclone in Orissa in October ’2000
Source : Annual Reports, Natural Disaster Management Division, Ministry of
Table 7.5
Losses due to Droughts: 1999-2001
Source: Annual Reports, Natural Disaster Management Division, Ministry of
mention in any of the three lists in the 7th Schedule of the Indian Constitution,
where subjects under the Central and State Governments as also subjects that
come under both are specified. On the legal front, there is no enactment either of
the Central or
of any State Government to deal with the management of disasters of various
types in a comprehensive manner.
18. The country has an integrated administrative machinery for management of
disasters at the National, State, District and Sub-District levels. The basic
responsibility of undertaking rescue, relief and rehabilitation measures in the event
of natural disasters, as at present, is that of the State Governments concerned. The
Central Government supplements the efforts of the States by providing financial
and logistic support.
Central Level
19. The dimensions of response at the level of the Central Government are
determined in accordance with the existing policy of financing relief expenditure
and keeping in view the factors like:
(i) the gravity of a natural disaster;
(ii) the scale of the relief operation necessary; and
(iii) the requirements of Central assistance for
augmenting financial resources and logistic support at the disposal of the State
20. The Contingency Action Plan (CAP) identifies initiatives required to be
taken by various Central Ministries and Public Departments in the wake of natural
calamities. It sets down the procedures and determines the focal points in the
administrative machinery to facilitate launching of relief and rescue operations
without delay.
21. The Ministry of Home Affairs is the nodal Ministry for coordination of
relief and response and overall natural disaster management, and the Department
of Agriculture & Cooperation is the nodal Ministry for drought management.
Other Ministries are assigned the responsibility of providing emergency support in
case of disasters that fall in their purview as indicated in Table 7.6.
Table 7.6
Ministries Responsible for Various
Categories of Disasters
The following decision-making and standing
bodies are responsible for disaster
management at the Central level:
• Union Cabinet, headed by the Prime
• Empowered Group of Ministers, headed by
the Deputy Prime Minister
• National Crisis Management Committee
(NCMC), under the chairmanship of the
Cabinet Secretary.
• Crisis Management Group (CMG): under the chairmanship of the Central Relief
Commissioner comprising senior officers from the various Ministries and other
concerned Departments which reviews contingency plans, measures required for
dealing with a natural disaster, and co-ordinates the activities of the Central
Ministries and the State Governments in relation to disaster preparedness response
and relief.
• Technical Organizations, such as the Indian Meteorological Department
(cyclone/earthquake), Central Water Commission (floods), Building and Material
Promotion Council (construction laws), Bureau of Indian Standards (norms),
Defence Research & Development Organization (nuclear/biological), Directorate
General Civil Defence provide specific technical support to coordination of
disaster response and management functions.
• The setting up of a National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is being
contemplated by the Ministry of Home Affairs as the proposed apex structure
within the government for the purpose. Amongst other major organizational
initiatives, it is proposed to:
(a) establish a specialised and earmarked response team for dealing with nuclear/
biological/chemical disasters;
(b) establish search and rescue teams in each State;
(c) strengthen communication systems in the North Eastern Region.
State Government
22. The responsibility to cope with natural disasters is essentially that of the
State Government. The role of the Central Government is supportive in terms of
supplementation of physical and financial resources. The Chief Secretary of the
State heads a state level committee which is in overall charge of the relief
operations in the State and the Relief Commissioners who are in charge of the
relief and rehabilitation measures in the wake of natural disasters in their States
function under
the overall direction and control of the state level committee. In many states,
Secretary, Department of Revenue, is also in-charge of relief. State Governments
usually have relief manuals and the districts have their contingency plan that is
updated from time to time.
District and Local Level
23. The district administration is the focal point for implementation of all
governmental plans and activities. The actual day-to-day function of administering
relief is the responsibility of the Collector/ District Magistrate/Deputy
Commissioner who exercises coordinating and supervising powers over all
departments at the district level. Though it may not be a common phenomenon,
there exists by and large in districts also a district level relief committee consisting
of officials and non- officials.
24. The 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments recognise Panchayati Raj
Institutions as ‘Institutions of self- government’. The amendment has also laid
down necessary guidelines for the structure of their composition, powers,
functions, devolution of finances, regular holding of elections and reservation of
seats for weaker sections including women. These local bodies can be effective
instruments in tackling disasters through early warning system, relief distribution,
providing shelter to the victims, medical assistance etc.
25. Other than the national, state, district and local levels, there are various
institutional stakeholders who are involved in disaster management at various
levels in the country. These include the police and para-military forces, civil
defence and home-guards, fire services, ex-servicemen, nongovernment
organisations (NGOs), public and private sector enterprises, media and HAM
operators, all of whom have important roles to play.
Armed Forces
26. The Indian Armed Forces are supposed to be called upon to intervene and
take on specific tasks only when the situation is beyond the capability of civil
administration. In practice, the Armed Forces are the core of the government’s
response capacity and tend to be the first responders of the Government of India in
a major disaster. Due to their ability to organize action in adverse ground
circumstances, speed of operational response and the resources and capabilities at
their disposal, the Armed Forces have historically played a major role in
emergency support functions such as communications, search and rescue
operations, health and medical facilities, transportation, power, food and civil
supplies, public works and engineering, especially in the immediate aftermath of
disaster. Disaster management plans should incorporate the role expected of them
so that the procedure for deploying them is smooth and quick.
External Linkages
27. The Government of India is a member of various international
organisations in the field of disaster response and relief. While, as a policy, no
requests for assistance or appeals are made to the international community in the
event of a disaster, assistance offered suo moto is accepted. Linkages exist with
the following organisations:
a) UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA), which has
been made responsible by UN General Assembly mandate for all international
disaster response.
b) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), responsible for mitigation
prevention aspects of disaster management.
c) UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) System.
Streamlining Institutional Arrangements for Disaster Response
28. Institutional arrangements for disaster response are the heart of disaster
management systems. There is no dearth of personnel, both civilian and military,
experienced in handling situations arising out of natural disasters. However, there
certainly is a pressing need for improvement and strengthening of existing
institutional arrangements and systems in this regard to make the initial response
to a disaster more effective and professional. Most of the resources and expertise
needed already exist with the Government. What needs to be streamlined is how
they should be integrated, trained and deployed. Some of the areas where
improvement is urgently needed are:
a) Integrated planning for disasters, including the integration of relevant Armed
Forces formations into disaster management planning at all levels from District to
State and Central Government.
b) Setting up of a modern, permanent national command centre or operations
room, with redundant communications and data links to all State capitals. The
national command centre or operations room needs to be manned on a 24-hour
basis by professionals to cater for instant integrated response. There needs to be a
properly equipped operations room at the State level as well.
c) Establishment of a national stand by, quick reaction team composed of
experienced professionals, both military and civilian, drawn from Central and
State Government staff to respond immediately by flying in a matter of hours an
experienced response team to the locations when a disaster strikes. This team can
be organized and run professionally on the same lines as the United Nations
Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) teams.
d) Creation of urban search and rescue capacity at all levels, by establishing a fully
equipped Search and Rescue unit, as part of the fire service in all State capitals,
trained staff and modern equipment such as thermal imagers, acoustic detection
devices etc. This is of immediate relevance since a major weakness exposed in the
Gujarat earthquake was a lack of specialised urban search and rescue
capability in India.
e) Media policy geared to handling the growing phenomenon of real time
television reporting, which generates enormous political pressures on a
government to respond rapidly and efficiently. This needs attention since the effect
is going to increase, not decrease in future.
f) Closer interface with and better understanding of the international system for
disaster response, and putting in place, systems for dealing with international
assistance once it comes in e.g., customs, immigration, foreign policy implications
etc. A greater appreciation is needed of the speed and automation of modern
international response to a natural disaster. Closer interaction is required between
the Ministry of External Affairs and the relevant inter-national agencies concerned
with disaster response.
g) Standard procedures for dealing with domestic humanitarian and relief
from non-government sources. Procedures and systems need to be set out to avoid
confusion and ensure best utilisation of the assistance being offered, just as in the
case of systems for international assistance.
h) Modern unified legislation for disaster management. In view of the current
division of responsibilities between the State and Central Government into state,
central and concurrent lists, there is a need to create a body of legislation dealing
with response to natural disasters and other emergencies, clearly delineating
responsibilities and powers of each entity and specifying what powers or actions
would need to be triggered on declaration of a disaster by the Government of India
or a State Government. This legislation should also incorporate the current
legislation dealing with chemical emergencies that has been created by the
Ministry of Environment so that all emergencies are dealt with under one law. The
legislation should include clear definitions of what constitutes a disaster at a
national level.
Financing of Relief Expenditures
29. The policy arrangements for meeting relief expenditure related to natural
disasters are, by and large, based on the recommendations of successive finance
commissions. The two main windows presently open for meeting such
expenditures are the Calamity Relief Fund (CRF) and National Calamity
Contingency Fund (NCCF). The Calamity Relief Fund is used for meeting the
expenditure for providing immediate relief to the victims of cyclone, drought,
earthquake, fire, flood and hailstorm. Expenditure on restoration of damaged
capital works should ordinarily be met from the normal budgetary heads, except
when it is to be incurred as part of providing immediate relief, such as restoration
of drinking water sources or provision of shelters etc., or restoration of
communication links for facilitating relief operations. The amount of annual
contribution to the CRF of each State for each of the financial years 2000-01 to
2004-05 is as indicated by the Finance Commission. Of the total contribution
indicated, the Government of India contributes 75 per cent of the total yearly
allocation in the form of a non-plan grant, and the balance amount is contributed
by the State Government concerned. A total of Rs. 11,007.59 crore was provided
for the Calamity Relief Fund from 2000-05.
30. Pursuant to the recommendations of the Eleventh Finance Commission,
apart from the CRF, a National Calamity Contingency Fund (NCCF) Scheme
came into force with effect from the financial year 2000-01 and would be
operative till the end of the financial year 2004-05. NCCF is intended to cover
natural calamities like cyclone, drought, earthquake, fire, flood and hailstorm,
which are considered to be of severe nature requiring expenditure by the State
Government in excess of the balances available in its own Calamity Relief Fund.
The assistance from NCCF is available only for immediate relief and
rehabilitation. Any reconstruction of assets or restoration of damaged capital
should be financed through re-allocation of Plan funds. There is need for defining
the arrangements in this regard.
31. The initial corpus of the National Fund is Rs.500 crore, provided by the
Government of India. This fund is required to be recouped by levy of special
surcharge for a limited period on central taxes. An amount of about Rs.2,300 crore
has already been released to States from NCCF. A list of items and norms of
expenditure for assistance chargeable to CRF/NCCF in the wake of natural
calamities is prescribed in detail from time to time.
Financing of Disaster Management Through Five Year Plans
32. Although not specifically addressed in Five Year Plan documents in the
past, the Government of India has a long history of using funds from the Plan for
mitigating natural disasters. Funds are provided under Plan schemes i.e., various
schemes of Government of India, such as for drinking water, employment
generation, inputs for agriculture and flood control measures etc. There are also
facilities for rescheduling short-term loans taken for agriculture purposes upon
certification by the District/State administration. Central Government’s assets/
infrastructure are to be repaired/rectified by the respective Ministry/Department of
Government of India. Besides this, at the occurrence of a calamity of great
magnitude, funds flow from donors, both local and international, for relief and
rehabilitation, and in few cases for long-term preparedness/ preventive measures.
Funds for the latter purposes are also available from multilateral funding agencies
such as the World Bank. These form part of the State Plan.
33. There are also a number of important ongoing schemes that specifically
help reduce disaster vulnerability. Some of these are: Integrated Wasteland
Development Programme (IWDP), Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP),
Desert Development Programme (DDP), Flood Control Programmes, National
Afforestation & Ecodevelopment Programme (NA&ED), Accelerated Rural
Water Supply Programme (ARWSP), Crop Insurance, Sampurn Grameen Rozgar
Yojana (SGRY), Food for Work etc.
Initiatives Proposed by Various Bodies Regarding Financing Under the
34. References have recently been made to the role of the Plan in disaster
anagement by the High Power Committee (HPC) on Disaster Management, as well
as by the Eleventh Finance Commission. The HPC was constituted in 1999 and
submitted its Report in October 2001. The HPC took an overview of all recent
disasters (natural as well as manmade) in the country and identified common
response and preparedness mechanisms on the basis of a series of consultations
with a number of government, non-government, national and international
agencies and media organisations. An important recommendation of the
Committee was that at least 10 per cent of plan funds at the national, state and
district levels be earmarked and apportioned for schemes which specifically
address areas such as prevention, reduction, preparedness and mitigation of
35. The Eleventh Finance Commission too paid detailed attention to the issue
of disaster management and, in its chapter on calamity relief, came out with a
number of recommendations, of which the following have a direct bearing on the
(a) Expenditure on restoration of infrastructure and other capital assets, except
that are intrinsically connected with relief operations and connectivity with the
affected area and population, should be met from the plan funds on priority basis.
(b) Medium and long-term measures be devised by the concerned Ministries of the
Government of India, the State Governments and the Planning Commission to
reduce, and if possible, eliminate, the occurrences of these calamities by
undertaking developmental works.
(c) The Planning Commission, in consultation with the State Governments and
concerned Ministries, should be able to identify works of a capital nature to
prevent the recurrence of specific calamities. These works may be funded under
the Plan.
36. Development programmes that go into promoting development at the local
level have been left to the general exercise of planning. Measures need also to be
taken to integrate disaster mitigation efforts at the local level with the general
exercise of planning, and a more supportive environment created for initiatives
towards managing of disasters at all levels: national, state, district and local. The
future blue-print for disaster management in India rests on the premise that in
today’s society while hazards, both natural or otherwise, are inevitable, the
disasters that follow need not be so and the society can be prepared to cope with
them effectively whenever they occur. The need of the hour is to chalk out a multipronged
strategy for total risk management, comprising prevention, preparedness,
response and recovery on the one hand, and initiate development efforts aimed
towards risk reduction and mitigation, on the other Only then can we look
forward to “sustainable development.”
Disaster Prevention And Preparedness Measures Information and
Research Network
37. Disaster prevention is intrinsically linked to preventive planning. Some of
the important steps in this regard are:
(a) Introduction of a comprehensive process of vulnerability analysis and objective
risk assessment.
(b) Building a robust and sound information database: A comprehensive database
the land use, demography, infrastructure developed at the national, state and local
levels along with current information on climate, weather and man-made
structures is crucial in planning, warning and assessment of disasters. In addition,
resource inventories of governmental and non-governmental systems including
personnel and equipment help in efficient mobilisation and optimisation of
response measures.
(c) Creating state-of-the-art infrastructure: The entire disaster mitigation game
plan must necessarily be anchored to frontline research and development in a
holistic mode. State-of-the art technologies available worldwide need to be made
available in India for upgradation of the disaster management system; at the same
time, dedicated research activities should be encouraged, in all frontier areas
related to disasters like biological, space applications, information technology,
nuclear radiation etc., for a continuous flow of high quality basic information for
sound disaster management planning,
(d) Establishing Linkages between all knowledge- based institutions: A National
Disaster Knowledge Network, tuned to the felt needs of a multitude of users like
disaster managers, decision makers, community etc., must be developed as the
network of networks to cover natural, manmade and biological disasters in all their
varied dimensions,
Capacity Building, Training & Education
38. Personnel involved in the exercise have to draw upon knowledge of best
practices and resources available to them. Information and training on ways to
better respond to and mitigate disasters to the responders go a long way in building
the capacity and resilience of the country to reduce and prevent disasters. Training
is an integral part of capacity building as trained personnel respond much better to
different disasters and appreciate the need for preventive measures. The directions
in this regard are:
(a) The multi-sectoral and multi-hazard prevention based approach to disaster
management requires specific professional inputs. Professional training in disaster
management should be built into the existing pedagogic research and education.
Specialised courses for disaster management may be developed by universities and
professional teaching institutions, and disaster management should be treated as a
distinct academic and professional discipline, something that the American
education system has done successfully. In addition to separate diploma/degree
courses in disaster management, the subject needs to be discussed and taught as a
specific component in professional and specialised courses like medicine, nursing,
engineering, environmental sciences, architecture, and town and country planning.
(b) The focus towards preventive disaster management and development of a
national ethos of prevention calls for an awareness generation at all levels. An
appropriate component of disaster awareness at the school level will help increase
awareness among children and, in many cases, parents and other family members
through these children. Curriculum development with a focus towards
of disaster related information on a sustained basis, covering junior, middle and
high schools may be worked out by the different school boards in the country.
(c) Training facilities for government personnel involved in disaster management
are conducted at the national level by the National Centre for Disaster
Management (NCDM) at the Indian Institute of Public Administration, in New
Delhi which functions
as the nodal institution in the country for training, research and documentation of
disasters. At the State level, disaster management cells operating within the State
Administrative Training Institutes (ATIs) provide the necessary training.
Presently, 24 ATIs have dedicated faculties. There is a need for strengthening
specialised training, including training of personnel in disaster response.
(d) Capacity building should not be limited to professionals and personnel
involved in
disaster management but should also focus on building the knowledge, attitude
and skills of a community to cope with the effects of disasters. Identification and
training of volunteers from the community towards first response measures as well
as mitigation measures is an urgent imperative. A programme of periodic drills
should be introduced in vulnerable areas to enable prompt and appropriate
community response in the event of a disaster, which can help save valuable lives.
39. Capacity building for effective disaster management therefore needs to be
grounded and linked to the community and local level responders on the one hand
and also to the institutional mechanism of the State and the Nation on the other.
Community Level Initiatives
40. The goal of any disaster management initiative is to build a disaster
resistant/resilient community equipped with safer living and sustainable
livelihoods to serve its own development purposes. The community is also the first
responder in any disaster situation, thereby emphasising the need for community
level initiatives in managing disasters. To encourage such initiatives, the following
are required:
(a) Creating awareness through disaster education and training and information
dissemination are necessary steps for empowering the community to cope with
(b) Community based approach followed by most NGOs and Community Based
Organisations (CBOs) should be incorporated in the disaster management system
as an effective vehicle of community participation.
(c) Within a vulnerable community, there exist groups that are more vulnerable
like women and children, aged and infirm and physically challenged people who
need special care and attention especially during disaster situations. Efforts are
required for identifying such vulnerable groups and providing special assistance in
terms of evacuation, relief, aid and medical attention to them in disaster situations.
41. Management of disasters should therefore be an interface between a
community effort to mitigate and prevent disasters as also an effort from the
government machinery to buttress and support popular initiatives.
Strengthening of Plan Activities
42. Given the pervasive nature of disasters and the widespread havoc caused
by some of them, planned expenditure on disaster mitigation and prevention
measures in addition to the CRF is required. The Central Sector Scheme of Natural
Disaster Management Programmes has been implemented since 1993-94 by the
Department of Agriculture and Co-operation with the objective to focus on
disaster preparedness with emphasis on mitigation and preparedness measures for
enhanced capability to reduce the adverse impact of disasters. The major activities
undertaken within this scheme include the setting up of the National Centre for
Disaster Management (NCDM) at the Indian Institute of Public Administration,
creation of 24 disaster management faculties in 23 states, research and consultancy
services, documentation of major disaster events and forging regional cooperation.
The Eighth Plan allocation of Rs 6.30 crore for this scheme was increased to Rs.
16.32 crore in the Ninth Plan. Within this scheme, NCDM has conducted over 50
training programmes, training more than 1000 people, while 24 disaster
management centres with dedicated faculty have been established in the states.
Over 4000 people have been trained at the State level. In addition, some important
publications and audio-visual training modules have been prepared and
documentation of disaster events has been done.
43. Though limited in scope and outlays, the Scheme has made an impact on
the training and research activities in the country. Creation of faculties in disaster
management in all 28 states is proposed to be taken up in the Tenth Plan in
addition to community mobilisation, human resource development, establishment
of Control Rooms and forging international cooperation in disaster management.
There is also an urgent need for strengthening the disaster management pedagogy
by creating disaster management faculties in universities, rural development
institutes and other organisations of premier research.
44. Sustainability is the key word in the development process. Development
activities that do not consider the disaster loss perspective fail to be sustainable.
The compounded costs of disasters relating to loss of life, loss of assets, economic
activities, and cost of reconstruction of not only assets but of lives can scarcely be
borne by any community or nation. Therefore, all development schemes in
vulnerable areas should include a disaster mitigation analysis, whereby the
feasibility of a project is assessed with respect to vulnerability of the area and the
mitigation measures required for sustainability. Environmental protection,
afforestation programmes, pollution control, construction of earthquake resistant
structures etc., should therefore have high priority within the plans.
45. The aim of a mitigation strategy is to reduce losses in the event of a future
occurrence of a hazard. Structural mitigation may comprise construction of
individual disaster resistant structures like retrofitted or earthquake-resistant
buildings or creation of structures whose function is primarily disaster protection
like flood control
structures, dykes, levees, infiltration dams etc.
46. Mitigation measures on individual structures can be achieved by design
standards, building codes and performance specifications. Building codes, critical
front-line defence for achieving stronger engineered structures, need to be drawn
up in accordance with the vulnerability of the area and implemented through
appropriate techno-legal measures.
47. Mitigation measures need to be considered in land use and site planning
activities. Constructions in hazardous areas like flood plains or steep soft slopes
are more vulnerable to disasters. Necessary mitigation measures need to be built
into the design and costing of development projects.
48. Insurance is a potentially important mitigation measure in disaster-prone
areas as it brings quality in the infrastructure & consciousness and a culture of
safety by its insistence on following building codes, norms, guidelines, quality
materials in construction etc. Disaster insurance mostly works under the premise
of ‘higher the risk higher the premium, lesser the risk lesser the premium’, thus
creating awareness towards vulnerable areas and motivating people to settle in
relatively safer areas.
49. For addressing natural calamities such as floods and drought, there already
exist a number of plan schemes under which a lot is being done and can be done.
State Governments need to make full use of the existing plan schemes and give
priority to implementation of such schemes that will help in overcoming the
conditions created by the calamity. In some cases this implies possible diversion
of the funds from other schemes to those schemes the implementation of which
will help meeting the situation. There may also be need in a crisis situation for
certain re-appropriations/reallocations among the different departments.
50. The Planning Commission will aim at responding quickly to the needs of
the Central Ministries/Departments/States in matters relating to the Plan for
meeting situations arising out of natural disasters, by enabling adjustment of
schemes to meet the requirements as far as possible. A mechanism will be evolved
to take expeditious decisions on proposals which involve transfer of funds from
one scheme to another, or any other change which involves departure from the
existing schemes/
pattern of assistance, new schemes and relaxation in procedures, etc. in the case of
natural disasters.
51. As the first responder in any disaster situation, however, each State needs
to build a team , skilled personnel, make provision for specialised equipments,
efficient communication network, and relevant, intelligent and easily accessible
database. There is also a need to consider creation of a plan scheme in each state
basically to meet the minimum requirements for strengthening communications
and emergency control rooms, thereby improving coordination and response to
disasters. No new institutional structures need be created in such a scheme.
52. In particular, with regard to major disasters, it is also necessary for disaster
mitigation components to be built into all development projects. In order to save
larger outlays on reconstruction and rehabilitation subsequently, a mechanism
need to be worked out for allowing components that specifically help projects
coming up in highly disaster prone areas withstand the impact of natural disasters
as part of approved project cost for projects financed under the Plan.
53. The message for the Tenth Plan is that in order to move towards safer
national development, development projects should be sensitive towards disaster
mitigation. With the kind of economic losses and developmental setbacks that the
country has been suffering year after year, it makes good economic sense to spend
a little extra today in a planned way on steps and components that can help in
prevention and mitigation of disasters, than be forced to spend many multiples
more later on restoration and rehabilitation. The design of development projects
and the process of development should take the aspect of disaster reduction and
mitigation within its ambit; otherwise, the development ceases to be sustainable
and eventually causes more hardship and loss to the nation.
(i) The State Department of Relief and Rehabilitation may be converted
into Department of Disaster Management with the responsibility of
looking at the whole cycle of disaster management- prevention,
mitigation, preparedness, response, relief and rehabilitation. Steps for
prevention/mitigation will need to be taken across a number of
Departments. The Department of Disaster Management will coordinate
the steps taken by the different Department of the Government in these
(ii) Mitigation, preparedness and response are multi-disciplinary activities
involving a number of Departments. In order to ensure the fullest
involvement of the relevant Departments, the State Government may
consider setting up a State Disaster Management Authority under the
Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary with the Secretaries of
Departments of Water Resources, Health, Agriculture, Animal
Husbandry, Roads, Communications, Rural Development, Public
Works, Public Health Engineering, Finance and Home as Members.
The Secretary of the Department of Disaster Management may be the
member-Secretary. This authority will ensure coordinated steps towards
mitigation and preparedness as also coordinated response when a
disaster strikes.
(iii) It has been noticed that while the local administration has the requisite
skills and capabilities for carrying out search and rescue in recurrent
types of disaster like flood, there is lack of capability for specialised
search and rescue. Each State may consider setting up specialised
search and rescue teams. The teams would need to be composite with
one coy of the State Armed Police trained and equipped to carry out
specialised search and rescue; one mobile engineering unit with
necessary equipment and one medical assistance team. These teams
may be constituted and trained together so as to function as a unit under
the overall charge of a designated officer. Guidance/advise required
with reference to training and equipment will be provided by the
Disaster Management Division of the Ministry of Home Affairs,
Government of India.
(iv) It has been decided that fire services may be trained and equipped to
function as all hazard response units as in other countries. This will
necessitate some additional equipment and training to the fire units for
carrying our search and rescue in all types of disasters. The Government
of India will be initiating a separate project for this.
(v) The Ministry of Home Affairs had advised the State Governments that
composite control rooms may be set up at the State level and at the
district levels under the District Magistrates for coordinating law and
order as well as disaster management and that allocations under the
Modernisation of Police Forces Schemes may be used for the this
purpose. Steps may be taken to put such control room in place quickly
with standby communication systems.
(vi) Disaster mitigation concerns/ aspects may be made an essential term of
reference for every plan project/development scheme in the areas
vulnerable to disasters. In other words, every plan project will need to
state as to how is addresses mitigation concerns. Plans/projects
specifically addressing mitigation/ prevention may be given a priority.
The Secretary of Department of Disaster Management may be made a
member for all bodies/ teams constituted for scrutinizing/approving
(vii) Funds available under the ongoing schemes may be used for mitigation/
preparedness. For example funds under the rural development scheme
can be used for construction of cycle shelters in areas prone to cyclones.
Similarly, sites and designs of primary school buildings in flood prone
areas may be so selected so that they can serve as shelters in times of
floods. The design requirements for primary school building and
hospitals and other important public buildings in seismic zones V and
IV would need to be in accordance with BIS norms for construction in
these zones.
(viii) Every hazard prone district may draw up specific hazard related plans.
These plans may be reviewed/updated in the months of April and May
each year.
(ix) Every district located in area prone to hazard will need to maintain an
on line inventory of resources available in the Government, public and
private sector. This will enable easy and quick mobilization of
resources in case of need. A State-wide on line resources inventory
would enable the mobilization of resources from neighbouring districts
in cases of need.
(x) State in seismic zone V and IV may ensure that the BIS building codes
for these zones have been adopted and are rigorously enforced by the
municipal bodies. All construction in the Government sector in these
areas must conform to the BIS code.
(xi) The initial training curriculum of the field staff- VLWs, Karamcharis,
Patwaris, Talhatis, Block Agriculture Officers, Block Animal
Husbandry Officers other Block Supervisors, State Civil Service
Officers, Constables, Sub-inspectors, Dy S.Ps etc. in the States
vulnerable to hazards may include capsules on basic dos and don’ts in
case of disasters; disaster mitigation and response, search and rescues
techniques etc. In-service training may be organized for staff already in
(xii) Special efforts may be put in for education and awareness. This should
include awareness of basic design requirements for constructing private
housing in seismic zones IV and V as well as in the belt vulnerable to
(xiii) AICTE have been advised to include engineering aspects of disaster
mitigation in the engineering courses at the undergraduate level. State
Governments may take similar action with reference to engineering
colleges under their universities.
(xiv) CBSE have been advised to include basic disaster related material in
text books for classes 8th, 9th and 10th – the basic dos and don’ts /
precaution to be taken etc. State Government may advise their
Secondary Boards of Education to include similar in their text books.
(NDM Division)
Existing Framework
In the federal set up of India, the basic responsibility for undertaking
rescue, relief and rehabilitation measures in the event of a disaster is that of the
State Government concerned. The Central Government supplements the efforts of
State Governments by providing financial and logistic support in case of major
disasters. At the State level, response, relief and rehabilitation are handled by
Departments of Relief & Rehabilitation. The State Crisis Management Committee
is set up under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary who is the highest executive
functionary in the State. All the concerned Departments and organisations of the
State and Central Government Departments located in the State are represented in
this Committee. This Committee reviews the action taken for response and relief
and gives guidelines/directions as necessary.
2. A control room is established under the Relief Commissioner. The control
room is in constant touch with the climate monitoring/forecasting agencies and
monitors the action being taken by various agencies in performing their
3. The district level is the key level for disaster management and relief
activities. The District Magistrate/Collector/Dy. Commissioner is the chief
administrator in the district. He is the focal point in the preparation of district
plans and in directing, supervising and monitoring calamity relief. A District
Level Coordination and Relief Committee is constituted and is headed by the
Collector as Chairman with the participation of all other related government and
non governmental agencies and departments in addition to the elected
representatives. The Collector is required to maintain close liaison with the State
Government as well as the nearest units of Armed Forces/Central police
organisations and other relevant Central Government organisations like Ministries
of Communications, Water Resources, Drinking Water, Surface Transport, who
could supplement the efforts of the district administration in the rescue and relief
operations. The District Magistrate/Collector and the Coordination Committee
under him reviews preparedness measures prior to an impending hazard and
coordinates response when the hazard strikes. As all the Departments at the
district level report to the Collector, there is an effective coordination mechanism
ensuring holistic response.
4. Each State Government has relief manuals/codes which identify the role of
each Department in the State for managing the natural disasters. These are
National Disaster Management Division/MHA/GOI/28/06/2004
reviewed and updated periodically based on the experience of managing the
disasters and the need of the State.
Funding mechanisms
5. The policy and the funding mechanism for provision of relief assistance to
those affected by natural calamities is clearly laid down. These are reviewed by
the Finance Commission appointed by the Government of India every five years.
The Finance Commission makes recommendation regarding the division of tax
and non-tax revenues between the Central and the State Governments and also
regarding policy for provision of relief assistance and the share of expenditure
thereon. A Calamity Relief Fund (CRF) has been set up in each State as per the
recommendations of the Eleventh Finance Commission. The size of the Calamity
Relief Fund has been fixed by the Finance Commission after taking into account
the expenditure on relief and rehabilitation over the past 10 years. The
Government of India contributes 75% of the corpus of the Calamity Relief Fund in
each State. 25% is contributed by the State. The requirement of funds for
response and relief is met from the CRF. Overall norms for relief assistance are
laid down by a national committee with representatives of States as members.
Different States can have State-specific norms to be recommended by State level
committee under the Chief Secretary. Where the calamity is of such proportion
that the funds available in the CRF will not be sufficient for provision of relief, the
State seeks assistance from the National Calamity Contingency Fund (NCCF).
When such requests are received, the requirements are assessed by a team from the
Central Government and thereafter the assessed requirements are assessed by a
Central team and thereafter the requirements are placed before an Inter Ministerial
Group chaired by the Home Secretary. A High Level Committee chaired by the
Home Minister with the Agriculture Minister, Finance Minister and the Deputy
Chairman Planning Commission take decision regarding the release of assistance
from the NCCF based on the report of the Central Team and the recommendations
of the IMG thereon. In brief, the institutional arrangements for response and
relief are well established and have proved to be robust and effective.
Role of Central Government
6. At the national level, the Ministry of Home Affairs is the nodal Ministry for
all matters concerning disaster management except drought, which continues to be
handled by the Ministry of Agriculture. The Central Relief Commissioner (CRC)
in the Ministry of Home Affairs is the nodal officer for coordinating relief
assistance for the natural and manmade disasters. The CRC receives information
relating to forecasting/warning of a natural calamity from India Meteorological
Department (IMD) or from Central Water Commission of Ministry of Water
Resources on a continuing basis. These forecasts are also concurrently passed on
to the State by the Agencies responsible for early warning. Whenever assistance is
required by the States for handling a natural calamity, the assistance is coordinated
by the Ministry of Home Affairs. Nodal Officers have been appointed in each
Ministry/Department responsible for emergency support functions in the event of a
National Disaster Management Division/MHA/GOI/28/06/2004
disaster. The Central Relief Commissioner coordinates with the Nodal Officers to
ensure that the requisite assistance is made available to the State.
Transfer of Subject
7. The subject of disaster management (except drought and epidemics) was
transferred to the Ministry of Home Affairs from the Ministry of Agriculture in
2002. The change in the Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules,
1961 was made in February, 2002. The actual transfer of work took place only in
June, 2002.
Change in Orientation
8. Prior to the transfer, the focus had been entirely on post disaster relief and
rehabilitation. Very little, if any, attention was paid to mitigation and
preparedness. We have brought about a radical change in orientation -
emphasizing mitigation, prevention and preparedness. A strategic
framework/roadmap has been drawn up with the approval of former Dy. Prime
Minister and action is being taken as per the roadmap. A copy of the roadmap is
at Annexure-I.
National Policy on Disaster Management
9 Despite the fact that we lose thousands of lives and property worth
thousands of crores each year in disasters, we have not had a National Policy on
Disaster Management. Where a number of Ministries or where a broad segment of
Government is involved; it is useful to have a National Policy as it serves as a
framework for action by all the relevant Ministries/Departments. A National
Policy on Disaster Management has been drafted. In line with the changed focus,
the policy proposes to integrate disaster mitigation into developmental planning.
Institutional Changes
10. The primary objective is to change the focus from relief and rehabilitation
to mitigation and preparedness. MHA is working towards putting in place
institutions which will reflect this holistic approach. The States have been advised
(HS had written to all Chief Secretaries and the former Dy. Prime Minister has
also written to all Chief Ministers in this regard) to convert their Departments of
Relief & Rehabilitation into Department of Disaster Management. 10 States/UTs -
Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan Tamil
Nadu, Uttaranchal, Nagaland, Andaman & Nicobar Administration and
Lakshadweep have already acted on this.
11. The exercise of reducing vulnerabilities of mitigation or of preparedness or
in fact of response is multi-disciplinary. It involves a number of
National Disaster Management Division/MHA/GOI/28/06/2004
Ministries/Departments. Unfortunately, till date all Departments have had the
feeling that disaster management/response is the responsibility of the Department
of Relief and Rehabilitation alone. The States have, therefore, been advised to set
up Disaster Management Authorities under the Chief Minister with the Ministers
of Water Resources, Agriculture, Home, Health, PWD, Animal Husbandry, Urban
Development and other Ministers who may be relevant as members. 11 States and
UTs – Tamil Nadu, Arunachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Orissa, Gujarat, Kerala,
Nagaland, Delhi, Goa, A&N administration and Chandigarh Administration have
notified the authority. The other States are in the process of setting up similar
12. At the National level, a National Emergency Management Agency is being
set up. The proposal for setting up NEMA and building up specialised capabilities
was considered by the Committee of Secretaries (COS) on 21st April, 2004. Based
on the recommendations of the COS, the Note for the Empowered Group of
Ministers on Disaster Management is being revised for submission to Home
Minister for approval.
Disaster Management Codes
13. In line with the changed approach, we are converting the Relief Codes into
Disaster Management Codes by building into it the process necessary for drawing
up disaster management and mitigation plans as well as elements of preparedness
apart from response and relief. A Committee constituted under the Executive
Director, National institute of Disaster Management is expected to submit the draft
to the Ministry by 30th June, 2004.
Twelfth Finance Commission
14. The terms of Reference of the Twelfth Finance Commission were changed
from what it was for the Eleventh Finance Commission so as to cover mitigation.
A Memorandum has been drawn up and sent to the Commission. In the
Memorandum, we have proposed a Disaster Mitigation Fund of Rs.10,000 crores
under which we will be assisting the States to take up mitigation projects.
Core Group on Earthquake Mitigation
15. A Core Group on Earthquake Mitigation has been set up having the most
eminent authorities on earthquake engineering in the country as members. The
States in seismic zones III, IV and V have been advised to change their building
bye-laws to incorporate the BIS codes for safe construction in the seismic zones.
Some States have done this already. In order to help other States, a Committee
has been set up to draw up model building bye laws and development control
regulation for adoption by the States/UTs. The Committee is expected to submit
its report to the Ministry by 15th June, 2004.
National Disaster Management Division/MHA/GOI/28/06/2004
16. Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is mandated to develop national codes
and practices for design and construction of housing and all infrastructure projects.
Structural safety of the built environment can be ensured only when these codes
are observed in design and construction of all projects. These codes/documents
need to be revised at regular intervals based on change in hazard zonation,
building performance in past disasters and outcomes of research projects. It was
observed that these codes are not revised periodically even though BIS is expected
to do this once in every five years. A committee consisting of representatives of
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, BIS and MHA is being constituted to review the
development of codes relevant to earthquake risk mitigation and the protocol for
revision by BIS. Availability to these codes in different parts of the country is also
an issue as was observed in the studies post Latur[1993] and Kachhh[2001]
earthquakes. BIS has been advised to develop a plan of action to streamline
revision of existing codes, development of new codes/documents/commentaries
and availability of codes all over the country including on-line access to codes
related to earthquake risk reduction.
Training of Engineers/Architects/Masons in Seismically safe building design
and construction
17. It has been observed that even where bye-laws have been amended to
incorporate the BIS codes, these are not being implemented. The reason is that the
engineers/architects practising in private sector are not trained in the relevant
codes and neither are the engineers in the regulatory bodies (the
municipality/development authority). A project costing about Rs.12.36 crore has
been approved wherein the municipal engineers of all cities in the seismic zones
will be trained in the BIS codes as well as revised bye-laws, and Certificate
courses will be organised for engineers practising in the private sector. 11
National Resource Institutes have been selected for imparting training to the
Faculty members of Civil Engineering Departments of State Resource Institutes.
State Governments are in the process of nominating the State Resource Institutes
(Engineering Colleges) and the Faculty Members to be trained. A six-week
training module has been finalized for this purpose. The State Resource Institutes
will train 10,000 engineers throughout the country in safe earthquake resistant
constructions. They will also assist the State Governments in putting in place an
appropriate techno-legal regime, in developing appropriate IEC materials, and in
conducting the detailed evaluation of lifeline buildings and make
recommendations for retro-fitting, where necessary. A copy of the approved
programme for capacity building of engineers in earthquake risk management is at
Annexure-II. A similar programme for training of 10,000 architects in
conjunction with Indian Institute of Architects/Council of Architecture has been
formulated and is under submission for approval.
18. Masons play an important role in construction of buildings and critical
infrastructure. For most of the rural and many urban constructions, mason is the
architect, engineer and builder. There is no formal system of training of masons in
construction of multi-hazard resistant built environment. A programme to assist
National Disaster Management Division/MHA/GOI/28/06/2004
the States/UTs in training and certification of 30000 masons in consultation with
HUDCO and MORD is under formulation. The training module for masons to
include multi-hazard resistant construction is under preparation by a committee
constituted and revised curriculum will be a part of the vocational training
programme of MHRD.
Awareness Campaign
19. This in itself will not be sufficient unless the people living in the seismic
zones are also made aware of their vulnerability as well as the means of reducing
that vulnerability. A nation-wide media campaign is proposed. The Home
Secretary had taken a meeting with the Secretary (I&B), DG, Doordarshan, and
DG, DAVP to discuss this. In pursuance of this meeting, a Steering Committee
was set up under the Chairmanship of Secretary (BM) to consider the matter in
detail. The Prasar Bharti proposed to the Steering Committee that they may be
given an opportunity to draw up the media plan. Prasar Bharti have made a
presentation submitted a plan/proposal on the media campaign. The matter will
be considered further by the Steering Committee in its next meeting scheduled to
be held shortly.
Earthquake Engineering in Undergraduate Engineering Curricula
20. Up till now, earthquake engineering was not a part of the undergraduate
engineering curriculum which was the reason for the structural engineers not being
aware of the elements necessary for earthquake resistant construction. A draft
curriculum has been finalized for incorporation in the undergraduate engineering
courses to be introduced from the current academic year. A similar curriculum has
been finalized for architects, to be introduced in the Schools of Planning and
Awareness Generation for safe construction in rural areas
21 For the rural areas, where people go for non-engineered construction, the
strategy is of awareness generation by distribution of pamphlets bringing out
essential features, which need to be incorporated into the construction so that it is
safe; and of training the masons. Samples of pamphlets/posters which could be
circulated have been compiled, and have been made available to States for
adoption/translation into local languages.
Retro-fitting of lifeline buildings
22. The above measures will take care of the future building stock. Insofar as
existing building stock is concerned, these will need retrofitting. Since it is not
possible to retrofit all the buildings, the focus is on life line buildings/buildings
where people congregate – hospitals, schools, cinema halls, multi-storied
complexes etc. The Home Secretary has written to the Chairman, Railway Board,
Health Secretary, Secretary(Civil Aviation), Secretary (Power) and
Secretary(Telecom) requesting them to have the railway stations, hospitals and
airports/airport control towers, power stations and telecommunication installations
located in the seismic zone, examined to see whether they need retrofitting, and, if
so, to take action accordingly. They have also been requested to ensure that future
National Disaster Management Division/MHA/GOI/28/06/2004
construction in the seismic zones incorporate the features essential for safe
construction as per the BIS code for that zone.
Earthquake Risk Mitigation Project
23. An Earthquake Mitigation Project has been drawn up, with an estimated
cost of Rs.1039 crore. That project has been given in-principle clearance by the
Planning Commission. The project is being submitted for in principle approval of
Home Minister. Thereafter, the project will be appraised by the Committee on Non
Plan Expenditure (CNE) before it is submitted for the approval of the Cabinet.
Urban Earthquake Vulnerability Reduction
24. Pending the clearance of the larger project, a project for earthquake
mitigation in 38 identified cities which are in seismic zones III, IV and V and
which have a population of more than half a million as well as in other cities/areas
covered under the GOI-UNDP project in 169 districts in 17 multi-hazard prone
States has been taken up. 118 Orientation courses have been organized for
engineers and architects on the BIS codes for seismically safe construction in 38
cities. Awareness generation programme has been started in these cities. These
cities are also being assisted to change their building bye-laws. City Disaster
Management Plans are being developed under the project.
Cyclone Monitoring and Mitigation Group
25. A Cyclone Monitoring and Mitigation Group has been set up. This Group
is looking at protocols for cyclone warning and also the observation/monitoring
platform which need to be strengthened. A project has been taken up with the
United States for upgradation of models for cyclone track prediction.
Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project
26. A project for Cyclone Mitigation (estimated cost Rs.1050 crore) has been
drawn up in consultation with the cyclone prone States. This project envisages
construction of cyclone shelters, coastal shelter belt plantation in areas which are
prone to storm surges, strengthening of warning systems, training and education
etc. This project has also been given in-principle clearance by the Planning
Commission and the World Bank has agreed in principle to provide funding for
the project. The project has been posed to the World Bank through Department of
Economic Affairs. Counter-part funding will have to be provided in the plan
GOI-UNDP Disaster Risk Management Project
27. 169 districts in seventeen multi-hazard prone States have been taken up
under the GOI-UNDP project. Under this project, the States are being assisted to
draw up State, district and Block disaster management plans; village disaster
management plans are being developed in conjunction with the Panchayati Raj
Institutions and disaster management teams consisting of village volunteers are
being trained in various preparedness and response functions such as search and
rescue, first aid, relief coordination, shelter management etc. Equipment needs
National Disaster Management Division/MHA/GOI/28/06/2004
for district and State Emergency Operation Centres have been identified by the
State nodal agencies and equipment is being provided to these EOCs. Orientation
training of masons, engineers and architects in disaster resistant technology have
been initiated in these districts and construction of model demonstration buildings
will be started soon. A statement showing the achievements under the DRM
programme from September, 2002 to March, 2004 is at Annexure III.
Mainstreaming Mitigation in Rural Development Schemes
28. The Ministry of Home Affairs is working with the Ministry of Rural
Development for changing the guidelines so that the houses constructed under
IAY or school buildings/community buildings constructed under SGRY are
earthquake/cyclone/flood resistant; as also that the schemes addressing mitigation
are given priority under SGRY. Ministry of Rural Development are carrying out
an exercise for this purpose. The matter is being closely followed up with that
NE States and A&N Islands
29. A special focus is being given to North-Eastern States and the Andaman &
Nicobar Islands. The North-Eastern Council has been made the nodal agency for
the NE States. The NEC has been provided with a resource person/advisor in
disaster management. A detailed presentation on the vulnerabilities of the NE
region and the need for comprehensive disaster management plan was given to the
Governor of Assam and Chairman, NEC. An action plan has been drawn up by
NEC, which has been discussed in the Governing Body meeting of the NEC and a
declaration namely “Shillong Declaration” has been adopted by all States in the
NE region for integrating disaster management with development planning. 140
officials and non-officials have been trained in disaster management to act as
resource persons for the NE region.
30. For A&N Islands, a disaster management plan has been drawn up. This
plan was discussed in a meeting on the 16th of October, 2003 and cleared. Draft
Disaster Management Regulations for A&N Islands have also been vetted.
Specialist Response Teams
31. Eight battalions of CPMFs are being converted into specialist response
teams for responding to emergencies/disasters as well. Two training institutions –
CISF/ NISA, Hyderabad and the ITBP/BTC, Bhanu (near Chandigarh) have been
developed as nodal institutions for training the trainers as well as the teams. The
training centres of CRPF(CTC-II at Coimbatore) and BSF Academy, Tekanpur
have also been identified to impart such training to the teams from CRPF and
BSF. 16 teams have already been trained at NISA, Hyderabad and BTC, Bhanu
and training of more teams is continuing. Training of trainers of CRPF and BSF
will be conducted at NISA, Hyderabad in June and September, 2004 respectively.
National Disaster Management Division/MHA/GOI/28/06/2004
National Emergency Response Force
32. It is proposed to constitute these eight battalions into a special Force called
the National Emergency Response Force (NERF). The elements which need
financial sanction have already been included in the Note for the Empowered
Group of Ministers on Disaster Management.
33. The States have also been advised to set up their own specialist teams for
responding to disasters. They have been advised that we will provide assistance
for training of trainers. Resources have been an important constraint for the
States. We have, therefore, with the concurrence of the Finance Ministry,
provided that 10% of the annual inflows into the CRF can be used for the
procurement of search and rescue equipment and communication equipment.
34. Apart from the eight battalions which are being developed into specialist
units, it was decided that all the CPMFs should have the basic expertise in search
and rescue so that they can be requisitioned for search and rescue by the
States/District Administration. A curriculum for this has been drawn up and
integrated into the training curricula of the CPMFs.
Fire Services as Multi-hazard Response Units
35. In order to further strengthen our capacity for response, the fire services are
proposed to be developed into multi-hazard response units (as is the practice in
other countries). This will require additional equipment and training. A project
for this (with an estimated cost of Rs.2457 crore) has been drawn up. The
Planning Commission has given in-principle clearance to the project. The project
is being submitted for in-principle approval of Home Minister. A Note for the
Committee on Non Plan Expenditure is being finalized.
Regional Response Centres
36. Regional Response Centres are being set up. Fourteen Regional Response
Centres have been identified – these are Group Centres or battalion headquarters
where a cache of essential search and rescue equipments will be stored so that they
can respond to any disaster in the neighbouring States immediately. Proposals for
the cache of equipments are under consideration of Finance.
Emergency Operations Centres
37. The States are being assisted to set up control rooms/emergency operations
centres at the State and district level. Assistance for this is being given under the
GOI – UNDP project in the States covered by the project. Assistance under the
Modernisation of Police Scheme is also available for setting up EOCs.
38. The MHA Control Room has been strengthened with some additional
equipment – SATPHONES and GPS and staff trained in their operation. A state
National Disaster Management Division/MHA/GOI/28/06/2004
of the art National EOC with superior structural features and communication
facilities is proposed to be set up. A Committee of CPWD/BARC/DRDO has been
constituted to finalize the design parameters. The project will be executed by
CPWD and is scheduled to be completed by June, 2006.
Communication System
39. The communication network between the national and the state EOCs and
the site of the emergency/crises is currently based on the DOT network. It has
been observed that in a calamity/hazard, communication is the first casualty. It is
therefore decided to put in place multi-mode and multi-channel communication
systems so that enough redundancy is available. It has been decided that the
POLNET will also be used for disaster management; and for this the POLNET
communication facility will be extended to SDMs and Collectors as well as the
Emergency Operation Centers. For emergency communications, discussions have
also been held with the Department of Space (ISRO). They will be making
available alternate satellite communication units to connect with State EOCs and
mobile units which can be transported to the site of a disaster. A Group had been
set up for drawing up a communication plan for disaster management and the said
Group has submitted its report. This provides for a dedicated communication
system for disaster management with built in redundancies. Phase I of the
National Disaster Management Communication Plan to provide satellite based
mobile voice/data/video communication between National EOC/State EOCs/
mobile EOCs and remote disaster/emergency sites is under implementation and is
expected to be completed by August, 2004. Phase II of the communication plan to
connect National/State/District EOCs with disaster/emergency sites is proposed
to be completed by March, 2006. The communication backbone to be used will
include terrestrial link(DOT), POLNET, NICNET, ISDN and SPACENET.
India Disaster Resource Network (IDRN)
40. One major step towards strengthening of our response system has been the
launch of India Disaster Resource Network (IDRN). This is a web based
inventory of all specialist equipment required for emergency/disaster response.
This will give at the touch of a button the location of specific equipment/specialist
resources as well as the controlling authority for that resource so that it can be
mobilized for response in the shortest possible time. This was launched on 1st
September, 2003. This inventory already has about 66,000 records/entries from
534 districts in 29 States/UTs.
Handling of Hazardous Materials
41. In the light of the experience of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy, the Ministry of
Home Affairs has been interacting with Ministry of Environment & Forests and
new guidelines have been sent to the States for industries handling hazardous
materials. It has been prescribed that onsite and offsite disaster response plans for
the industries dealing with hazardous material be updated in consultation with
District Administration and that this may be rehearsed once every year. It has also
been prescribed that these industries will carry out awareness campaign for the
population in the vicinity regarding the dos/don’ts in case of any accident
involving hazardous material
National Disaster Management Division/MHA/GOI/28/06/2004
Incident Command System
42. In order to professionalize the response, it is proposed to introduce the
Incident Command System in the country. This system is in vogue in the United
States and it provides for specialist Incident Command Teams with an Incident
Commander and officers trained in different aspects of Incident Management –
logistics, operations, planning, media management etc. We are working with the
US experts for training of officers in this system here. The LBSNAA, Mussoorrie
has been designated as the mother training institution. Three programme for
training of trainers has so far been held at LBSNAA. 42 officers-trainers have
been trained so far in basic and intermediate ICS course and 29 officers-trainers
trained in planning module.
Human Resource Development
43. In order to further professionalize our response, it was decided to
incorporate elements of disaster management in the training curriculum of All
India Services (IAS, IPS and Indian Forest Service). Curricula have been drawn
up for this purpose and have been integrated into the training curriculum of these
All India Services.
Disaster Awareness in School Education
44. It was felt that making disaster awareness a part of school curriculum
would be an important step. Disaster awareness/Dos and Don’ts have been made a
part of classes – VIII and IX CBSE curricula. It is proposed to incorporate the
elements of disaster awareness/do and don’ts in the curriculum of class X in the
coming academic year. The State Governments have been advised to take similar
steps vis-à-vis their school boards. We are working with the Council of Board of
School Education (COBSE) to facilitate inclusion of disaster management in
public education in all 39 School Boards in the country.
Hospital Preparedness for emergencies
45. Hospital preparedness is crucial to any disaster response system. For the
purpose each hospital should have an emergency preparedness plan to deal with
mass casualties and should be manned by trained health managers. The existing
curriculum for medical doctors does not include emergency health management.
Therefore capacity building through in-service training of the current heath
managers and medical personnel in handling health emergencies is extremely
essential. At the same time, the future health managers must acquire these skills
systematically through the inclusion of health emergency management in the
undergraduate and post graduate medical curricula. In consultation with Medical
Council of India(MCI) Two committees have been constituted for preparation of
curriculum for introduction of emergency health management in MBBS
curriculum, and preparation of in-service training of Hospital Managers and
Professionals. Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Karnataka have been
identified as the lead national resource institution for the purpose.
46. While the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has issued instructions to
the states to evaluate the structural integrity of existing health institutions in high
National Disaster Management Division/MHA/GOI/28/06/2004
seismic zones and carry out the necessary retrofitting activities, it is also important
to address the integrity of non-structural elements like essential medical equipment
as part of hospital preparedness for emergencies. Handling non-structural issues in
hospitals would be both part of the envisaged sensitization and training of
practicing engineers and architects as well as hospital managers and
Transparency in Relief Operations
47. We are seeking to bring about transparency in relief operations. We have
advised the State Governments that whenever relief material is distributed from
CRF/NCCF, a list giving the details of the beneficiaries along with
quantity/volume of relief distributed may be prepared ward-wise both for urban
and rural areas and be made available to local representatives in Panchayats and
Municipalities and should also be displayed there. The consolidated list should
also be maintained at the Block level/Taluka Level and made available to the
general public on demand.
Civil Defence
48. A Committee was constituted to review the set up of Civil Defence. The
Committee has given its recommendation based on which draft proposals are
being formulated. CNE Notes for upgradation of National Civil Defence College
and National Fire Service College are also under process. A Cabinet Note for
strengthening of Civil Defence Organisation is under preparation.
Status Report
49. A Status Report on Disaster Management in India was prepared in
February, 2004 for presentation and circulation in the World Congress on Natural
Disaster Mitigation. The Report summarizes various initiatives taken by the
Ministry. A copy of the Status Report (Red Book) is enclosed.

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