Friday, January 29, 2016

Learn Hindi

1मेंmeṃin, into

2हैhai is


4नहींnahīṃno; not

5लिए lie holding; taking with one

6गयाgayā gone; past

7तथा tathā1. conj. and. 2. adv. in the same way as

8अपनेapne ours

9कुछ kuch something

10साथ sāth1. n. company; something accompanying. 2. adv. with; along; in the company of

11होता hotā happening

12था thā was

13दिया diyā given

14हुए hue becoming

15कोई koī becoming

16रूप rūp form; shape; appearance; aspect

17से se by means of; by; with

18मैं maiṃI

19रहा rahā(auxiliary verb)

20हुआ huā became; came about; was

21बात bāt something said, a word, remark; speech, talk, words; conversation; discussion

22कहा kahā something said; a remark; remarks

23समय samay time

24क्या kyā what

25अपनी apnī her own; hers

26होती hotī happening

27प्रकार prakār kind; sort; type

28बहुत bahut many; much

29तरह tarah kind; type

30बाद bād speech; discussion, dispute; argument

31फिर phir1. anew, again. 2. thereafter, afterwards; next; then. 3. furthermore; but.

32रहेrahe masculine plural form of continuous aspect auxiliary verb

33द्वारा dvārā by means

34अधिक adhik increased, exceeding; more

35रही rahī(auxiliary verb)

36होने hone be

37एवंevaṃ1. thus, so. 2. and.

38हुई huībe coming

39थे the were

40उनक ेunke his

41थी thī was

42वाल ेvāle used to denote a relationship to the noun, verb, or adjective preceding the postposition

43चाहिए chāhie is wanted (चाहिए को, is wanted by); is needful (to or for); should ought

44दिन din day

45लेकिन lekin but; however

46काम kām action; act; work; task


48होतेhote are

49इसके iske of this; for this

50उन्हें unheṃto them (dative case)

51गये gaye plural perfective aspect of जाना

52कभी kabhī sometimes; at any time

53आदि ādiet cetera

54लोग log people, folk

55बार bār1. times, occasion. 2. gate, door; doorway.

56यहाँ yahāṃ1. here. 2. at

57दोनोंdonoṃthe two; both

58उन्होंने unhoṃneoblique case of they

59कार्य kārya1. action, act; activity. 2. work, task duty.

60पास pās nearby

61वहाँ vahāṃthere

62भारत bhārat India

63लिया liyā taken

64प्राप्त prāpt1. obtained; acquired; incurred. 2. come upon, found.

65उनकी unkī theirs; his (formal)

66लोगोंlogoṃpeople (plural)

67गयी gayī went

68लगा lagā seemed

69अन्य anya other; different

70होगा hogā will be

71इसीisīth is (emphatic)

72देश deś1. place, region. 2. country; nation

73यदि yadi if; whether

74सभी sabhī every single one; absolutely all

75नाम nām name, title

76वर्ष varṣa year

77ऐसा aisā of this sort

78विकास vikās opening, expanding

79अपना apnā one's, one's own

80ऐसे aise of this sort

81दूसरे dūsare another; secondly

82हाथ hāth hand

83भाषा bhāṣā language; speech

84मेरे mere my

85मैंने maiṃne I

86तुम tum you (informal)

87बीच bīc middle

88वाली vālī1. (added to noun) a person employed in the preceding noun. 2. (added to adjective) adds emphasis to preceding adjective. 3. (added to noun, adjective, or noun phrase) gives adjectival properties to preceding word. 4. (added to verb) gives agentive meaning to preceding verb. Feminine form of वाला.

89बड़े baɽebig; large; great; elder

90 प्रति prati1. (f. noun) copy of an original. 2. (f. noun) section, group (of a larger whole). 3. (prefix) again, back again, re-. 4. (preposition) towards, against, anti-. 5. (preposition) each, every; per. 6. (preposition) similar to.

91व्यक्ति vyaktia person; a particular person

92उनका unkā theirs; his (formal)

93लियेliye took; received; accepted

94इसलिए islie so; therefore

95तीन tīn three

96इसका iskā his (informal)

97ऐसी aisī of this sort

98विशेष viśheṣ1. particular, special, distinctive. 2. excellent.

99बड़ी baṛībig, large; great

100अथवा athvā or

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