Saturday, January 30, 2016


Hindi Grammar

The Hindi grammar allows you to manipulate the vocabulary to obtain multiple forms of a word. The grammatical rules below are the most important in Hindi and help connect words or shape the structure. We start with the prepositions:

And:   [] Under:अधीन  [adhin] Before: से पहले  [se phle] After: के बाद  [ke baad] Inside:अंदर  [andr] Outside:बाहर  [baahr] With: साथ  [saath]But: परन्तु  [prntu ] For: के लिए  [ke lie]From: से  [se] To: से  [se] In: में  [men] 

To ask questions, use the following:

What?:क्या?  [kyaa?] Who?:कौन?  [kaun?] How?:कैसे?  [kaise?] Why?:क्यों?  [kyon?] Where?:कहाँ?  [khaan?] 

Some of the most important time adverbs:

Never: कभी नहीं  [kbhi nhin] Rarely: शायद ही कभी  [shaayd hi kbhi] Sometimes: कभी-कभी  [kbhi-kbhi] Usually:आमतौर पर  [aamtaur pr] Always: हमेशा, सदैव, सदा   [hmeshaa, sdaiv, sdaa ] Very:बहुत  [bhut] 

Most commonly used pronouns in Hindi:

I: मैं  [main] You: आप, तुम   [aap, tum ] He: वह  [vh] She: वह  [vh] We:हम  [hm] They: वे  [ve] 

To express the possession of something [possessive form]:

My: मेरा (m) मेरी (f)   [meraa (m) meri (f) ] Your:तुम्हारा  [tumhaaraa]His:उसका  [uskaa] Her: उसकी  [uski] Our: हमारा  [hmaaraa ] Their: उनका  [unkaa ] 

Some random verbs to show how it's being used:

I speak English: मैं अंग्रेजी बोलता(m) /बोलती (f) हूँ |  [main angareji boltaa(m) /bolti (f) hun |] You speak French: तुम/ आप ( you) फ्रेंच बोलते हो /हैं |  [tum/ aap ( you) frenk bolte ho /hain |] He speaks German: वह जर्मन बोलता है |  [vh jrmn boltaa hai |] She speaks Italian: वह इतालवी बोलती है |  [vh itaalvi bolti hai |] I visited France: मैने फ्रांस का दौरा किया |  [maine fraans kaa dauraa kiyaa |] I will drink milk: मैं दूध पीना पीऊँगा |  [main dudh pinaa pioongaaa |] 

Some extra grammatical structures:

I understand you: "मैं तुम्हें समझता/समझती हूँ | "  ["main tumhen smjhtaa/smjhti hun | "] I don't understand you: मैं तुम्हें नहीं समझता हूँ |  [main tumhen nhin smjhtaa hun |] I don't speak French: मैं फ्रेंच बात नहीं करता हूँ - (mein French nahin bolta hoon)  [main frenk baat nhin krtaa hun |]This is my house: यह मेरा घर है |  [yh meraa ghr hai |] That restaurant is far: यह रेस्तरां दूर है |  [yh restraan dur hai |] No problem: कोई समस्या नहीं  [koi smsyaa nhin] 

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