Friday, August 5, 2016

Brs preparation


From the following particulars, prepare a bank reconciliation statement of Mr. N as on 31st December 2005.

1.Balance as per cash book (Dr.)65,000

2.Checks deposited but not yet collect41,400

3.Checks issued but not yet paid by bank 27,000

4.Interest credited by bank but not recorded in cash book.500

5.Bank charges debited by bank but not entered in cash book100


Mr. N
Bank Reconciliation Statement
As on 31st Jan...........

Bank balance as per cash book  Dr. 65,000

Less:  Checks deposited but not yet collected by the bank Rs-41,400 

Bank charges debited in pass book Rs- 100

                      Rs-  41,500  

                     Rs-  23,500

Add:        Checks issued but not yet paid by the bank Rs-27,000      

  Interest credited by the bank in pass book Rs-500

Ans: The balance as per pass book     Cr. 51,000

If the statement is started with pass book balance:

Mr. N
Bank Reconciliation Statement
As on 31st Jan...........

 The balance as per pass book     Cr. 51,000

Less:        Checks issued but not yet paid by the bank Rs 27,000    

Interest credited by the bank but not entered in the pass book500

                 Rs       27,500  

                 Rs       23,500

Add:        Checks deposited but not yet collected by the bank Rs41,400  

Bank charges debited but not entered in the cash book Rs100


Ans: Bank balance as per cash book      Dr. 64,000

Thursday, May 26, 2016

E commerce

How E-commerce works?

1. When a consumer wants to buy a certain product, he go to the website and selects the product he wants to buy.
2. Once the product is selected, the consumer transaction is moved to the online transaction server where he places an order.
3. The informations is exchanged over a secure channel through a private gateway to a processing network.
4. The networked banks accept or reject the transaction.
5. All this happens in just a matter of seconds.
6. eCommerce is a very secure due to the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology.

The basic steps involved in becoming Commerce Enabled are:

1. Getting an Internet Merchant Bank Account
2. Web Hosting
3. Obtaining a Digital Certificate
4. Finding a Provider of Online Transactions
5. Creating or Purchasing a Shopping Cart Software

List the major benefits of E-commerce.

The major benefits of Ecommerce are:

1. Secure - More secure than a cheque.
2. Fast - The transactions take not more than a few seconds
3. Always on - The purchases can be made 24/7
4. Convenient - Ease of purchasing
5. Reduced cost price - Reduction of Marketing and Advertising Costs

What are the various applications of E-commerce?

Following are a few products where Ecommerce can be used:

Computer products (hardware, software, accessories)
Financial Services
Home Electronics
Gifts and flowers
Travel services

Explain the term “Web Hosting”.

Web hosting is a way to gain a presence on the internet. The web hosting company should be capable of providing you with the level of service that you need to maintain your Web Store.

Explain in brief B2B, B2C, C2B and C2C.

1. B2B (Business-to-Business) : In B2B, companies transact with each other. This includes the companies selling their product to wholesalers, distributors, etc.

2. B2C (Business-to-Consumer) : This is usually when average businesses transact with the customer. This is done through the shopping cart softwares and the amount involved in the transactions is usually low.

3. C2B (Consumer-to-Business) : In this, a consumer places the product on the net. The companies willing to buy this product bid for it. The comsumer can then decide, depending upon the bid, which company to sell it to. 

4. C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer) : These kind of transactions are usually done at an individual level. Payments can be done with the help of online systems like PayPal.

Explain electronic payment procedure.

1. The merchant submits a credit card transaction to the Payment Gateway on behalf of a customer via secure connection from a Web site, at retail, from a MOTO center or a wireless device. 
2. Payment Gateway receives the secure transaction information and passes it via a secure connection to the Merchant Bank’s Processor. 
3. The Merchant Bank’s Processor submits the transaction to the Credit Card Interchange (a network of financial entities that communicate to manage the processing, clearing, and settlement of credit card transactions). 
4. The Credit Card Interchange routes the transaction to the customer’s Credit Card Issuer. 
5. The Credit Card Issuer approves or declines the transaction based on the customer’s available funds and passes the transaction results, and if approved, the appropriate funds, back through the Credit Card Interchange. 
6. The Credit Card Interchange relays the transaction results to the Merchant Bank’s Processor. 
7. The Merchant Bank’s Processor relays the transaction results to Payment Gateway. 
8. Payment Gateway stores the transaction results and sends them to the customer and/or the merchant. This communication process averages three seconds or less. 
9. The Credit Card Interchange passes the appropriate funds for the transaction to the Merchant’s Bank, which then deposits funds into the merchant’s bank account. The funds are typically deposited into your primary bank account within two to four business days.

Saturday, January 30, 2016


Hindi Grammar

The Hindi grammar allows you to manipulate the vocabulary to obtain multiple forms of a word. The grammatical rules below are the most important in Hindi and help connect words or shape the structure. We start with the prepositions:

And:   [] Under:अधीन  [adhin] Before: से पहले  [se phle] After: के बाद  [ke baad] Inside:अंदर  [andr] Outside:बाहर  [baahr] With: साथ  [saath]But: परन्तु  [prntu ] For: के लिए  [ke lie]From: से  [se] To: से  [se] In: में  [men] 

To ask questions, use the following:

What?:क्या?  [kyaa?] Who?:कौन?  [kaun?] How?:कैसे?  [kaise?] Why?:क्यों?  [kyon?] Where?:कहाँ?  [khaan?] 

Some of the most important time adverbs:

Never: कभी नहीं  [kbhi nhin] Rarely: शायद ही कभी  [shaayd hi kbhi] Sometimes: कभी-कभी  [kbhi-kbhi] Usually:आमतौर पर  [aamtaur pr] Always: हमेशा, सदैव, सदा   [hmeshaa, sdaiv, sdaa ] Very:बहुत  [bhut] 

Most commonly used pronouns in Hindi:

I: मैं  [main] You: आप, तुम   [aap, tum ] He: वह  [vh] She: वह  [vh] We:हम  [hm] They: वे  [ve] 

To express the possession of something [possessive form]:

My: मेरा (m) मेरी (f)   [meraa (m) meri (f) ] Your:तुम्हारा  [tumhaaraa]His:उसका  [uskaa] Her: उसकी  [uski] Our: हमारा  [hmaaraa ] Their: उनका  [unkaa ] 

Some random verbs to show how it's being used:

I speak English: मैं अंग्रेजी बोलता(m) /बोलती (f) हूँ |  [main angareji boltaa(m) /bolti (f) hun |] You speak French: तुम/ आप ( you) फ्रेंच बोलते हो /हैं |  [tum/ aap ( you) frenk bolte ho /hain |] He speaks German: वह जर्मन बोलता है |  [vh jrmn boltaa hai |] She speaks Italian: वह इतालवी बोलती है |  [vh itaalvi bolti hai |] I visited France: मैने फ्रांस का दौरा किया |  [maine fraans kaa dauraa kiyaa |] I will drink milk: मैं दूध पीना पीऊँगा |  [main dudh pinaa pioongaaa |] 

Some extra grammatical structures:

I understand you: "मैं तुम्हें समझता/समझती हूँ | "  ["main tumhen smjhtaa/smjhti hun | "] I don't understand you: मैं तुम्हें नहीं समझता हूँ |  [main tumhen nhin smjhtaa hun |] I don't speak French: मैं फ्रेंच बात नहीं करता हूँ - (mein French nahin bolta hoon)  [main frenk baat nhin krtaa hun |]This is my house: यह मेरा घर है |  [yh meraa ghr hai |] That restaurant is far: यह रेस्तरां दूर है |  [yh restraan dur hai |] No problem: कोई समस्या नहीं  [koi smsyaa nhin] 

Hindi learning

One: एक  [ek] Two: दो  [do] Three: तीन  [tin]Four: चार  [kaar] Five:पांच  [paank] Six: छह  [chh] Seven:सात  [saat] Eight: आठ  [aath] Nine: नौ  [nau] Ten: दस  [ds] First:पहला   [phlaa ] Second:दूसरा  [dusraa] 

Days of the week and time expressions:

Monday:सोमवार  [somvaar] Tuesday:मंगलवार  [mngalvaar] Wednesday:बुधवार  [budhvaar] Thursday:बृहस्पतिवार  [brihsptivaar]Friday:शुक्रवार  [shukrvaar]Saturday:शनिवार  [shnivaar] Sunday:रविवार  [rvivaar] Now: अब  [ab] Yesterday: बीता हुआ कल   [bitaa huaa kl ] Today: आज  [aaj] Tonight: आज रात  [aaj raat] Tomorrow: आने वाला कल   [aane vaalaa kl ] 

Most popular fruits and vegetables:

Fruits: फल  [fl] Apples: सेब  [seb]Bananas:केला  [kelaa] Tomatoes:टमाटर  [tmaatr] Potatoes:आलू  [aalu] Onions:प्याज़  [pyaaje] 

Colors that we think are very important to remember:

Red: लाल  [laal] Green:हरा  [hraa] Blue: नीला  [nilaa]White:सफ़ेद  [sfeed] Black:काला  [kaalaa] Grey: धूसर  [dhusr ] 

Some words related to food:

Breakfast:नाश्ता  [naashtaa] Lunch: दोपहर का खाना  [dophr kaa khaanaa] Dinner: रात का खाना  [raat kaa khaanaa] Milk: दूध  [dudh] Coffee:कॉफ़ी  [kofei] Bread: रोटी  [roti]

Weather terms and sensations:

Sunny: चमकीला  [kmkilaa ] Windy: तूफानी  [tufaani ] Rainy:बारिश  [baarish] Snowy: हिमपात  [himpaat ] Cold: ठंड  [thnd] Hot: गर्म  [garm] 

Words related to family and relatives:

Boy:लड़का  [ldekaa] Girl:लड़की  [ldeki] Son: पुत्र, बेटा  [putr, betaa] Daughter:पुत्री  [putri] Brother:भाई  [bhaai] Sister:बहन  [bhn] Man:आदमी  [aadmi] Woman:महिला  [mhilaa] Father:पिता  [pitaa] Mother:मां  [maan] Grandfather:दादा  [daadaa] Grandmother:दादी  [daadi] 

Locations in the house which are talked about more during the day:

House:घर  [ghr] Toilet:प्रसाधन  [prsaadhn] Room:कमरा  [kmraa] Bedroom: सोने का कमरा  [sone kaa kmraa] Kitchen:रसोईघर  [rsoighr]Table: मेज   [mej ] 

Animals and pets popular to everyone:

Cat: बिल्ली  [billi] Dog:कुत्ता  [kuttaa] Mouse:चूहा   [kuhaa ] Bird: पंछी   [pnchi ] Cow:गाय  [gaaay] Horse:घोड़ा  [ghodeaa] 

The clothes most worn by most people:

Socks:मोज़े  [mojee] Shoes:जूते  [jute] Trousers: पतलून  [ptlun ] Shirt:कमीज   [kmij ] Sweater: स्वेट (स्वेटर)  [svet] Coat:कोट  [kot] 

Most popular languages in the world:

English:अंग्रेजी  [angareji]French:फ्रांसीसी  [fraansisi] German:जर्मन  [jrmn] Spanish:स्पेनिश  [spenish] Italian:इतालवी  [itaalvi] Portuguese:पुर्तगाली  [purtgaaali]Greek:यूनानी  [yunaani] Russian:रूसी  [rusi] Arabic: अरबी भाषा  [arbi bhaasaa] Hindi:हिन्दी  [hindi] Chinese:चीनी  [kini] Japanese:जापानी  [jaapaani] 

Most popular terms when traveling:

Taxi: टैक्सी  [taiksi] Bus: बस  [bs] Hotel: होटल  [hotl] Reservation:आरक्षण  [aarksn]Airport: हवाई अड्डे (This is plural, singular would be adda)  [hvaai adde]Passport:पारपत्र  [paarptr] 

Words you can use in class or talking about school:

Student:छात्र  [chaatr] Teacher:अध्यापक  [adhyaapk] Pen:क़लम  [kelm] Books:किताबें  [kitaaben] Page:पृष्ठ  [pristh] Dictionary:शब्दकोश   [shbdkosh ] 

Body parts which are talked about more often:

Hand:हाथ  [haath] Feet: पैर  [pair] Hair: बाल  [baal] Eye:आंख  [aankh] Mouth:मुंह  [munh] Nose:नाक  [naak] 

Emergency vocabulary to ask for help or offer help when needed:

Ambulance:एम्बुलेंस  [embulens]Doctor:चिकित्सक  [kikitsk]Hospital:अस्पताल  [asptaal] Pharmacy:दवाई की दुकान  [dvaai ki dukaan] Police:पुलिस  [pulis] Stomach Ache: पेट में दर्द  [pet men drd]